Thursday, 31 August 2017

Top Viral Marketing Strategies

If you are like other motivated entrepreneurs, viral marketing plays an important role in your marketing strategy. Viral marketing, when successful, has the ability to skyrocket awareness and profits.

What Is Viral Marketing?

Viral marketing is content that has captured the attention of the mainstream consumer. It is content that people bookmark, forward, post on social networking sites and link to. Viral content has the ability to spread from one corner of the globe to the other. It spreads like a virus and can change a business overnight.

9 Top Viral Marketing Tactics

First, let us be clear. Viral marketing is content marketing. However, when you are creating your content, your goal broadens. You want to offer value to your prospects and customers. However, you also want to go beyond offering basic value. You want the content to be so compelling that it goes viral. There are several types of content that can help you reach your viral marketing goals.

#1 Lists

People love lists. In fact there are many popular books that are nothing more than a long list. For example 101 Uses for a Dead Cat. This book was a big seller and was nothing more than a long, and perhaps humorous, list. Lists are easily downloaded and shared, and they are often linked to. They make great viral content. Think about your audience and the value they are seeking. What lists can you provide that might go viral?

#2 Quizzes

Ever notice that just about every magazine has some sort of quiz inside? That is because people like their content to be interactive. Quizzes offer the opportunity to learn something about yourself or reinforce something you know about yourself. They also allow you to interact. Quizzes, like lists, can be funny, interesting and informative for the user or interesting and informative for you. You can use a quiz to learn more about your prospects and customers.

#3 Tools

Tools are things people can use. One great example of a tool might be an iPod application or a downloadable worksheet. A tool is also something that makes your prospect's life easier. It offers value.

#4 Video

Video may be the most popular type of viral content. Most often the videos that go viral are funny, but they can also be informative or heart wrenching. Randy Pausch's Last Lecture is an example of a viral video that is heart breaking and inspirational at the same time. Explore your audience's needs and preferences and then brainstorm ideas for a video.

#5 Images

Photos and cartoons are common viral images. They can capture an idea, make people laugh, or inspire them to take action.

#6 'How to' Content

When it comes to standard content forms, it does not get better than the 'How To'. Your 'How To' content can be video, audio, or print - whatever your audience responds to.

#7 Funny Story (or meaningful/touching story)
Humor tends to be the most popular type of viral content found online. However, a touching story, life lesson, or an inspirational story also spreads quickly. If you have a story to share, craft it well, make it public and then share.

#8 Controversy

Loud opinions about situations always stir up a controversy. Many people will want to weigh in and share their opinion too. Reports are a great way to create viral marketing content that is controversial. Blog posts work quite well too because they provide people with a format to respond. One way to capitalize on controversy is to create a free report, promote it and discuss it on your blog. This way you are reaching your audience quickly and the viral report will spread quickly.

#9 Sweepstakes, Contests and Giveaways

Finally, the last type of content that can easily go viral is a contest or sweepstakes. This is because everyone likes to get something for free and everyone likes to win. The bigger the prize, the more quickly word will spread. For example, if you are giving away an iPad on your blog, you will likely gain a ton of traffic. People will be linking to your blog and there will be quite a commotion. Give away a free report and you are not going to have as much activity. The key to capitalizing on this type of viral content is to build your opt-in list at the same time.

Creating viral content is the first step to a successful campaign. You will also want to integrate it into your overall marketing strategy. Use every tool available to get the word out quickly.

Whether you are marketing a business, service, or yourself, learning new marketing and communication strategies and using online tools can help give you that 'edge' to get ahead of your competition.

Wednesday, 30 August 2017

Viral Traffic Is How Anyone Can Use Viral Marketing To Increase Web Site Traffic For Free

These are two qualities for web site traffic a web site must use to blaze the trail in the cut-throat and competitive nature synonymous with Internet Marketing and home based business. The sheer number of sites and businesses duking it out online today means each marketing strategy must be implemented for success. Viral Marketing is one of the most effective and vital viral marketing is beginning to shape the internet marketing niche like no other strategy for traffic promotion and 
increasing web site traffic for free.

Viral Marketing Basics

Viral Marketing is also referred to as Viral Advertising and is a strategy in marketing that increases general awareness of somone's products, services, company, business or brand. There are forms of media that creates viral buzzworthiness in public perception without necessarily having to promote the product, by capitalizing on the other diverse uses of any "pass-it-on" type methods that would get one addicted and encouraged to actually relay it, all the while with the company's advert naturally occurring as part of the viral marketing message.

The more popular the medium of advertising and enjoyed by the public at large, the more viral marketing components a viral advertising campaign is said to have and more valuable in spreading 
the word of mouth necessary for sales of the products. Viral Traffic is when people who see the viral marketing message visit the web site in record numbers as a result of the viral advertising.

Viral marketing is already one of the most widely acclaimed forms of internet marketing and advertising for one main reason... the low expense. To bypass being tagged as unwelcome email, viral marketing relies on the anticipation of one spreading the news with the products. If a person notices the name of the someone they already know sending them email, they will not block and will open it. This results in even more viral traffic. Viral traffic is thought by most to be the best way to increase web site traffic for free.

A lot of businesses give perks like freebies and money off for helping to encourage their viral marketing. This counts on the amount of people a viral marketing online advertising campaign generates from a single recipient in calculating their reward. The more viral traffic, the more rewards for producing the viral traffic.

How You can Use Viral Marketing to Increase Web Site Traffic for Free and Explode Sales

The primary benefit of using Viral Marketing is all of the free publicity gained and the number of new and unique web site visitors to your website for free that are going to look at your business offer.

Almost every website and company is catching on to the benefits of Viral Marketing and viral Advertising. Without using it, you are defeating yourself by missing out on the viral traffic that gives you the ability to increase web site traffic for free.

Viral Marketing is the best way to get people to know about your products, site and business. You get them to push your viral marketing message for you. By generating just one good idea, a fun game, a good storyline, you can easily move ahead of all of your competition with some serious viral traffic.

All of the most successful online companies are recommending to business owners to use viral marketing to advertise their products. Only a fool would let the opportunity to increase web site traffic for free by using viral advertising pass them by.

Right now, you have the opportunity to put this phenomenon to work for you and for free to watch your website grow in popularity and make sale after sale on autopilot using viral advertising for free!

Article Source:

Tuesday, 29 August 2017

How To Use Viral Marketing To Your Online Business

Viral Marketing is any marketing technique or form of advertising that spreads like a virus by itself, without you doing a thing. The idea of viral marketing is for people to pass along information on products or services using pre-existing social networks or other technologies.

Viral marketing regularly includes:

  • Customer participation & polling services
  • Industry-specific organization contributions
  • Internet search engines & blogs
  • Mobile smartphone integration
  • Multiple forms of print and direct marketing
  • Outbound/inbound call center services
  • Target marketing web services
  • Search engine optimization (SEO) web development
  • Social media interconnectivity
  • Television & radio

Internet businesses can reap great benefits from viral marketing, especially if they are just starting out. However you just can't make a product or service "go viral", if it's good enough it just happens. People love to share and talk about good experience they have, it's what creates a buzz and excitement of a brand, product or service. Buzz marketing is a platform that will take your business to a whole new level. However on a note of caution, if their experience is not so good, it can also take a turn on the "go viral" effect, usually resulting in the death of the business. Here are some suggestions on how to do it right:

  1. Pursue what is happening now. You need to create a commotion that can send everyone on a buying spree. If you get the right person to "sneeze" your message will be spread virally. For example if you get a celebrity to use your product or service, that one "sneeze" they make about it can start your viral message. The idea is to get your message to influential people who can start the buzz.

  2. Give them something to talk about. People love to feel smart knowing something that others don't. "I know where you can get this really great deal" or "Wow... This business is really helped me out... " To get them to start talking you need to fulfill a need.

  3. Package your product or service; remember the less is more theory. Keep your buzz short and to the point. Such as: "Your kids will love this" or "Best value for money" these are the things that are easy to remember. Practice describing what you do right now until you can say it virally right. Because if you can't no one else will.

  4. Just like the flu at school, the best way to pass a viral message to sneeze in the right direction. Determine your target market and then sneeze in the place where their most likely to be found. Once your sneeze is sent the right direction of potential customers the next thing to do is identify the Typhoid Mary's in the group, also known as your competitors.

  5. Give away products can become a fantastic pitchman, a share me product will give you the opportunity to spread your message inside what you sell. For example: "Register for your free... " Marketing services on the internet can make custom newsletter packages to targeted users though out the internet and spread your business message. Because they are targeted they will find a need for your product and tell and sell to others.

  6. Pay it forward. On your website offer something free or a commission of something your selling that way your customers will become part of your sales force. There are simple and free ways to do this you can place at the bottom of your invoice "Remember to your friends... " or "Thank you for your business, share this coupon with a friend and receive 20% of you... " You will find this will generate more sales easily.

  7. If your customer is happy with their product or service, then create a way for them to share that joy with others. Buzz marketing works because it's heard from a friend who liked it and not a money hungry pitchman. One happy customer will tell two friends and they will also tell another two and another two and so on...

  8. And finally persistence beats resistance. Some people may need more exposure before they catch the viral message. This is the key ingredient towards spreading your business message.

To carry your viral message to others you may require a platform or something easy to pass your idea along with the buzz of other people. Here are some ideas for your viral marketing campaign.

  • Write an eBook about a subject you're very interested in and want to promote. It may take some time, but will prove to be very cost efficient.
  • Buy the branding rights to a viral eBook. This is how you can spread the word by including your name, website and contact details. Allow people to give away your FREE eBook to their visitors and then that way their visitors will give it away.
  • If you know HTML, you can give away your templates and provide messages that will backlink to your website. Provide a copyright notice that will not allow any of your links to be excluded.
  • If you know how to write software, viral software is very main-stream at the moment.
  • Write articles that relate to your product or service. Give your readers permission to reprint your article. Make sure you include your resource box and the option to reprint the article at the bottom of the article.
  • Make a 3 minute video clip and upload on You Tube.
  • Join membership site that provides quality information.

Viral marketing impressive marketing system, it allows and encourages people to pass along a message. Viral Marketing Strategies target a market based on 3 principles:

  • Social profile gathering
  • Target Market Analysis
  • Real-time Key Word Concentration analysis
When these 3 principles are applied to an advertising model, Viral Marketing Strategy companies are able to match targeted customers at a cost effective gain. With the internet it's more likely for a campaign to go viral very fast, particularly with social networks. It allows people to get excited or have the buzz and tell other people faster.

To summarize this article, the idea of viral marketing is to pass on a message that gets people's attention and enthusiasm to spread the word via technology. There are a few ways to go about it so long as you remember there are "good buzz" and then there are "bad buzz". Put yourself in the target market shoes, and ask yourself is this helping me with what I need? Do I like it? Will others like it? Practice getting it virally right, if you don't get it, no one else will. Find a platform that will make your message easy to pass along; it could be a YouTube movie or a blog or newsletter. Then, do some research to target the market you want it to pass through. This kind of marketing strategy spreads like wildfire literally can make a product or service famous overnight.

So with that said, all the best in your viral marketing endeavors,

Isabel Brien

Monday, 28 August 2017

Viral Marketing - Get Your Customers to Do the Marketing for You

Viral marketing involves the process of spreading a message from person to person. The same way the seasonal flu is passed around, hence how it got its name, but with the obvious difference is that it's your marketing message that is being circulated.

When you have a new product or service that you want to promote, the fastest way to do so is by creating some buzz about the new product. Viral marketing has a long history of being used to promote products such as movies as well as books. Relying mainly on the buzz generated before the release, a successful campaign will have its audience ready and waiting to buy right up to the release date.

In order for viral marketing to work effectively there are some simple elements that you must consider. Such elements are vital for the proper working of the strategy. Many people begin implementing a viral marketing campaign without understanding the basic fundamentals.

To begin with, nothing sells better than providing a free sample of your product or service. A free offer ensures the message that you are sending is likely to move much faster and travel further. The idea that one can enjoy free products and especially if they have to make little or no effort is something people are more likely to share with friends and family than an advertised low price.

Whatever method you use to send your message, especially when working with emails and social media, you must ensure that it is easy to spread and develop to a wider audience. Remember that viral marketing only works if more and more people get your message. The method to pass along the message should be as simple as possible, like clicking forward on an email. On the other hand if you have a complicated long process to forward the message, then few people will make the effort and hinder your attempt at the message going viral.

The success of viral marketing also relies heavily on understanding your target audience. Who exactly are you targeting with your message? What do these people have in common in terms of habits and interests? Armed with this information, you can generate a message that calls to such interests and hobbies. Such a message is not only relatable but also gives a common base upon which one can generate the viral marketing campaign.

Before embarking on your viral marketing campaign, take the time to understand your target audience, and how you can easily reach them. Design a message that is attractive and draws immediate attention to your audience. The message should also be simple, so that it does not take much time and effort to understand.

Armed with these techniques it's time to embark on your viral marketing journey and find new markets for your products and/or service.

What if you just can't make sense of it all?

I know how confusing it may appear, with all the information available on back links, SEO, Social Media, but if you really want to succeed with Internet Marketing you will need to learn the single method that governs them all.

This method is simple to pick up and it doesn't take much once you see the bigger picture.

Sunday, 27 August 2017

The Anatomy of Viral Marketing

Three deadly myths of viral marketing

"Viral" is a term that's thrown around very loosely by marketers these days, which has muddled the true meaning of the term.

Here are three common misconceptions about viral marketing that will doom any campaign to failure from the start:

Myth #1: Viral marketing = Share buttons

Making content sharable is not the same as making it viral. Viral marketing is not as simple as adding social sharing badges to your website. Likewise, extending your content to social networking sites such as Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn will not make it viral.

These are merely vehicles that make it easier for people to pass your content along to others in their network. There's no guarantee that whatever is being shared will have life beyond the initial posting.

Myth #2: Viral = Video

"Viral" and "video" are uttered in the same breath so often that it seems as thought they are inextricably linked.

In fact, this is not the case at all. There's nothing about videos that makes them inherently more viral than any other kind of content.

Viral videos may get a lot of hype, but in reality, any kind of content can go viral - a photo, an article, a fundraising campaign, even an entire website.

The potential of something to go viral has nothing to do with the medium and everything to do with the content and its ability to motivate a continuous chain of sharing.

Myth #3: Viral = 1,000,000 million hits

Going viral is not the web-equivalent of a record going platinum. There's no arbitrary number that certifies something as having gone viral.

The primary goal of viral marketing should not be to achieve a pre-determined number of hits, views or retweets but to create something with nearly unlimited potential to resonate with people - whether on an emotional, pragmatic or ideological level - so that its reach exceeds ordinary expectations.

What is viral?

To answer that question, forget marketing jargon and go back to biology class. What sets a virus apart from other organisms is that it has the ability to replicate itself when it finds the right environment variables.

The same quintessential elements apply to viral marketing. By definition, viral content is self-perpetuating and requires little or no additional investment in the act of moving it through the Web from one person to another. It is the very opposite of traditional advertising's pay-to-play model, which demands greater spending to buy greater exposure.

The concept of viral marketing is nothing new, but it has exploded in the past decade because the mechanisms for sharing have evolved and expanded as social media has permeated the mainstream.

The original form of viral content was the e-mail forward. When someone found something entertaining, informative or self-defining, they'd paste it into an e-mail message and send it to everyone in their address book, and many of those recipients would likewise forward it along. Social sharing is today's version of the e-mail forward.

On the surface, viral marketing seems easy because the most successful campaigns make it look that way. However, once you dig deeper into its anatomy, it becomes clear that there are a limited number of pathways through which a piece of web content can go viral.

It's not enough for something just to be good. There's too much good stuff on the Web for all of it to catch fire. If you want to create something that will grow and extend itself after you send it out into the world, it must harness one of three fundamental elements of self-perpetuating content: entertainment, a giveaway or self-definition.

The three channels of viral marketing

1. Entertainment

This category is probably what naturally springs to mind when you hear the word "viral." However, this is actually the most difficult route to take and demands a level creative resources that are typically prohibitive for the average business.

With the hype surrounding high-profile viral marketing campaigns like Old Spice's "The Man Your Man Could Smell Like," it's easy to oversimplify the formula for what it takes to pull this off. Everyone thinks their own stuff is entertaining, but in the eye of the beholder, this is rarely the case.

When you attempt to play in this space, you're going up against the big guns who have immense resources to throw at superstar writers, artists, editors and producers. In the face of those odds, it's very risky to hope that you'll strike the magic combination of unique content and flawless execution to win the jackpot.

For every phenomenal success like Old Spice, there are plenty of embarrassing, high-dollar flops. And, yes, sometimes a kid with a webcam becomes an Internet sensation. But that's like capturing lightning in a bottle. It's nothing you can create artificially, and it's very difficult to cultivate organically.

2. The giveaway

In stark contrast to viral entertainment, the viral giveaway is potentially attainable by any business large or small, local or national.

There are two ways to approach this type of campaign, depending on the nature of your business:

If you deal in goods, you can give away free or discounted products to customers (think Groupon).

If you deal in services, you can give away time or expertise (or both).

In either case, there is heavy competition in the giveaway space, so it's critical to ensure that there is significant perceived value in your offering, typically in terms of time or money saved for your customer.

But the giveaway is not viral in and of itself. What creates the mechanism for self-perpetuation is framing it as a reward received in exchange for participation in spreading your message.

This is something not all companies are prepared to do. The idea of creating something only to give it away seems ludicrous by conventional thinking.

However, you can't look at the giveaway as a loss. The reality is that this is today's marketing. Instead of pouring tens of thousands of dollars into carpet-bombing advertising that no one believes in, you're investing in word of mouth - the most powerful form of trustcasting.

The act of giving away your valuable goods or expertise creates trust among your customers, who pass your message along to their friends and followers, who then spread it through their networks. Suddenly hundreds of new potential customers suddenly know who you are and what you do, with the added benefit of being recommended by someone they know and trust, and that trust is conveyed to you by association.

3. Self-definition

A product, an idea or a concept that is new, innovative, unique or just plain awesome is sharable.

But when it makes a bold statement - not about your company but about life, work or culture - that strikes a chord in the beholder, that's when it has the potential to go viral.

When someone shares this type of content, they're defining themselves through the act of sharing, attaching themselves to the history, the character or the lifestyle that exists around your brand. They're identifying themselves as belonging to your tribe.

When Nike's "Write the Future" debuted in May 2010, it set a new record for the most views of a viral video ad in its first week.

Its popularity was undoubtedly due in part to the celebrity appeal of the soccer superstars featured, but it also touches on a deeper love for the sport, for the World Cup and even for the feeling of connection with others inspired by a shared passion for a certain team or player. When someone shares this video with their friends, they're attaching their identity to these broader concepts.

But you don't have to be Nike to pull this off. If I post a link to your blog to my profile on LinkedIn, I'm defining myself as a torchbearer for your ideas. If I take a take a quiz on your website and tweet my score, I'm boasting about my intelligence. And if I make a donation to your nonprofit organization and share it on Facebook, I'm defining myself as an altruistic person who supports If your cause. In each case, my act of sharing challenges other like-minded people within my network to do the same, because they want to attach themselves to these ideas and qualities, too.


Viral marketing can't be a one-off effort. You also can't come up with an idea and tack on elements of viral marketing as an afterthought.

If you're going to play in this space, it must permeate every aspect of your business model, from your R&D process to your pricing structure to your marketing strategy. Your website and your presence on social media networks must be built to be part of the viral mechanism. You must focus on creating a self-perpetuating engine of traffic, conversion and sales.

To be successful, you must know your tribe and know it well. You must be realistic about what its members like and what they will respond to.

You must also be willing to take risks. Behind every successful viral campaign is trial and error, careful tracking of metrics and fine-tuning of the approach.

Are the risks worthwhile? In a word, yes. Today's most powerful business growth platforms are built on trustcasting and permission marketing. There's no more direct route to owning your market than having a tribe of brand evangelists who carry your message for you, and viral marketing transforms the spark of word of mouth into an inferno that propels you ahead of your competition.

Saturday, 26 August 2017

Viral Marketing Through eBooks

Electronic books most commonly known as eBooks are executable files of HTML. This type of HTML you have prepared can be put into a downloadable .exe or .pdf file for sharing and mass distribution. When you download the eBook it can be stored anywhere on your desktop that you desire.

eBooks are very similar to normal paper back books except you do not have to go to bookstores to purchase them as they can easily be downloaded on your computer. You can put anything on a eBook that you can put on a paper version book. If your site is about how to lose weight you can easily create a eBook about losing weight. If your site is about marketing tips. You can make a eBook about Marketing tips.

An eBook is basically a offline version of a website owners content that can be easily changed into a easy to read publication. You can download a eBook from a website and store it on your computer to read at a later time. eBooks come with easy to use navigation tools that allows the readers to skip to any page or chapter and also allows them to search for any keyword in the eBook.

eBooks can be entirely interactive with the Internet and can contain graphics, forms, JavaScript, audio, live links, embedded video, animation and whatever the author chooses to put in the eBook. eBooks combine the functionality and purpose of physical books along with complex software.

Your business can greatly benefit from an eBook especially in terms of Viral Marketing. Over the next few years eBooks will play a very important role in Viral Marketing. You can utilize eBooks no matter what the product or service your company offers. Read on to find out.

Why are eBooks such an effective viral marketing tool?

Viral marketing with the use of eBooks works this way. First and foremost it is vitally important that your eBook contains information of interest to the reader. It is very challenging to try to market something that is of no use to the reader. eBooks should give their readers something to come away with or learn from. In this sense this is how a eBook is similar to a physical book.

A reader will put down a book after reading a few pages if he/she finds it dull or boring. Its the same situation for a eBook except worse. On the internet the attention span is very short. So you have to grab the readers attention with something that will help or better them or their business. If you are using eBooks as a viral marketing tool they should be given away from your website for free.

The cost of the production and distribution of an eBook are very small if not free. This is what makes it such a incredible viral marketing tool. The eBook should give the reader the feel and layout of your business service or product. The eBook should have a message or link in it that is promoting your website or business. Generally its best to put a link in the footer of each page.

Having a link in the eBook will bring the reader back to your website and spawn a opportunity for more business and possibly sales. You can put links or advertisements to your website that should entice the reader to visit your website. The best way to do this is to put the link to your website in every footer of the page.

eBooks become a viral marketing tool because they can be given to anyone for free and you can allow your readers to give the eBook away or even sale the eBook for a very nominal fee. In turn this creates more and more traffic to your website because your link is the one of the footer. eBooks are just like paper books they are copywrited and cannot be change unless allowed by the author.

Make sure to spread your website links throughout the eBook or on the footer of the page. Personally I recommend utilizing the footer. Your customer can either upload the eBook on his/her website or offer it individually to his/her friends through email and this is how it becomes a viral marketing tool.

Another way it becomes a viral marketing tool is when you give it away you can allow the person to edit it and ad their links but leave some of yours. This now becomes a viral marketing tool because it persuades the person to want to give it away or sale it if their links are on the eBook.

When they promote the eBook so they can gain traffic to their website now you are gaining traffic to yours also. Some people are not that great at writing and this becomes an easy way for them to promote their own website though the means of a eBook. This is a proven strategy and should definitely be employed.

When people see links on eBooks the mind is curious and wants to find out what is behind the link. Especially if it has a powerful eye catching domain name. So make sure you have a great domain and happy viral marketing.

Friday, 25 August 2017

Selling Ebooks - Know the Process

The concept of ebooks is getting very popular these days. Ebooks are actually the electronic version of printed books that can be read on computer or on hand held devices made for reading ebooks. Usually, these kinds of books are read on dedicated hardware devices which are known as eBook readers. However, ebooks can also be read on personal computers and on mobiles. Ebooks are more convenient to carry than the traditional books. There are lots of advantages of ebooks, such as they are easy to use and store, reading ebooks saves time, one can compose the ebooks the way they want. Due to its numerous advantages, these days, people are purchasing more ebooks than the traditional books.

If you are into writing and are able to attract your readers by your words, then using ebooks to bring real money to your blog or website is a great idea. By making use of your specialized niche as the subject matter, you can achieve all the success with your ebook. While writing for your ebook, always make sure that you provide some kinds of facts or knowledge through your writing. Providing some personal experience is also works well in this regard.

A lot of people are there who think that creating ebooks cost a huge amount of money. But the truth is that it cost almost nothing. In order to work with ebooks all that you need is a computer with some software programs, such as text notepad, adobe acrobat or MS word. Ebooks fluctuate in length; some ebooks are longer, while some others are in shorter. People usually prefer shorter ebooks, as they provide extremely concise and beneficial functions. Ebooks are created in a text document on the hard drive and then they are converted into PDF, so that the purchaser can easily download or print them.

After created your ebook, now you have to make your eBook reach to your target audience. In order to do so, first you have to promote your ebooks among your target audience. To promote your ebook, you have to employ the same kind of marketing tactics that are used in webpage or website marketing. Going for article marketing is a very effective way of promoting your ebook. Producing an article series on the basis of your eBook and then distributing these contents on various article sites would provide your eBook with more popularity. You can also publish these articles in your blog or websites to promote your eBook among your customers. Moreover, in order to increase more interest of your readers to read your ebook, providing accurate information and facts in the article is very essential. Don't forget to mention the actual eBook and then, hyperlink the sales page. You can also submit your articles in all the major article directories with link to your webpage showcasing your ebook.

Finally, we can say that a lot of people are getting into the business of ebooks, in order to get the maximum benefits out of this business, one should know the proper way of selling ebooks. While going for selling ebooks online, providing full selling information products to the customers is very essential.

Selling ebooks is the profitable way to make some good, solid income for the long term as well as providing a profitable service that can garner you some quick cash. The only thing you have to do is to be as much creative as you can while selling ebooks. 

Thursday, 24 August 2017

Five Situations In Which You Should Not Use eBooks

eBooks have grown in popularity over the past couple years, largely due to new eBook readers that have become available and more affordable. Many people are giving eBooks a try now that they have become more of a mainstream product. eBooks are excellent for a variety of reasons, but there are some situations in which purchasing an eBook is not the best choice. The following situations are those that I have identified as the five most common.

When You're Not Comfortable With Technology

In order to successfully use an eBook, you must be able to install software, download a file, and open the file in the correct program on your computer. If you want to read the eBook on a mobile phone or e-reader device, then you need to know how to transfer files between your computer and that device. You might also need to install a program or app on your mobile device. If you're not already comfortable with these processes, eBooks might be difficult for you to use.

When You Need a Printed Book

Many eBooks, if not most eBooks, are not printable. Even eBooks in PDF format are often not printable. This is because book publishers are concerned about copyright protection. They disable the printing function so that people can't make illegal copies of the book. Other eBook formats, such as Mobipocket or Microsoft Reader, don't have a printing function at all. In general, eBooks are meant to be read on your computer, e-reader, or other mobile device. Besides the question of whether or not the eBook will be printable, printer paper and ink is not free, so you'd end up paying for the eBook and then paying more to print it yourself. If you need a printed book for any reason you should buy the paperback or hardback version of the book.

When You Want To Give The Book as a Gift

eBooks are often not able to be given as a gift for the same reason that they aren't printable. Book publishers are very concerned about software piracy, so most eBooks are sold with DRM (digital rights management), which ties the eBook to a specific user account. If you email an eBook to someone else, or give it to them on a disk or flash drive, the eBook won't open once it's on their computer because their software is not registered to your user account. If you would like to give an eBook as a gift, look for a gift certificate option instead of buying the eBook yourself.

When You Don't Know What You Need

Before you buy an eBook, it's best to do a little bit of research to find out what type of eBook you need. eBooks come in different formats, and not all work on every operating system or mobile device. If you don't already know, find out which operating system your computer or device uses. From there, you can research eBook formats and determine which format will work on your operating system. Next, you should install any software that's required for that type of eBook. Once you've taken those preliminary steps, you'll be ready to find eBooks that you want to read.

When You Want The Text Read Out Loud

"Text-to-speech" is something that people look for when buying eBooks. Unfortunately, it is often disabled in the eBook (again, because of DRM), and sometimes it's just not available at all. Even when it is available, it's just not very good. Sometimes people even buy eBooks with the intent of putting them onto their iPod to listen to. That is not what eBooks were designed for, and it doesn't work at all because they don't contain an audio track. When you want an audio recording of a book, the best option is to buy the audiobook instead of the eBook. 

The situations I've explained above are not only common situations in which you should not use eBooks; they are also some of the most frequent reasons why people get frustrated with eBooks. When someone buys an eBook with the hope that it will do something that eBooks aren't capable of, they quickly become disappointed.

eBooks aren't meant to replace paper books, and you don't have to use them. It's best to think of eBooks as just one book format that is available. You wouldn't buy an audiobook when you wanted a paper book, and likewise, there is no need to buy an eBook if it's not really the best choice for you. Use eBooks when you want a book in digital format to read on your computer, e-reader, tablet, or mobile phone.

Wednesday, 23 August 2017

Book to Ebook Conversion - What You Should Know

Book to eBook conversion is the process of taking printed books and converting them to eBooks. As eBooks continue to grow in popularity, there is an increasing need to transfer older books from physical to digital form.

Books are very important for a person's growth because they contain knowledge and information about many factors of life. Books can also be useful for removing a person's stress, especially if he or she has a hectic job.

Many people have busy schedules. As a result, their time to read and enjoy books is greatly diminished. With eBooks, people have an opportunity to enjoy reading while they are on the go without having to carry a big bag full of physical books.

Ever since eBooks were introduced to the world, anyone can get easily copies of books they want to read and re-read. How is this possible? First, eBooks are in an electronic format. This means they can be downloaded and uploaded through cyberspace. Second, there are many eBook websites offering rich collections of reading material waiting to be downloaded. Even better, there are many free eBooks available on the Internet.

Many people believe that eBooks will never capture the feeling of reading a real book. These people enjoy leafing through the pages of their physical books rather than dabbling with controls in electronic readers and desktop computers. Nevertheless, even some of the biggest fans of printed books are turning to the convenience of eBooks. In addition, eBooks are typically priced lower than their paperback and hardbound counterparts.
The appearance of eBooks has encouraged many people to showcase their writing skills to the world. There are multiple websites that allow aspiring writers to publish their eBooks to the world. People can share their knowledge and expertise with others. The most common eBooks include topics relating to technical skills and self-development. Other popular categories of eBooks include books about gambling and personal investing.

An eBook writer has to submit his or her written works in specific eBook formats. That is when the book to eBook conversion process comes into play.

Books can be converted into eBooks in several ways. If the book is already in an electronic file format, then software programs can be used for the conversion process. If the book is in physical form, then it first has to be converted to an electronic file. This involves scanning the printed book. This is a slow, tedious process, although it can be increased if the book is taken apart and the pages are fed through the scanner's paper feeder.

There are several eBook software conversion programs. Some of the software programs are free while others have to be purchased. It is a tricky process, however, to convert books to eBooks correctly. If an author or publisher wants the formatting of their eBook to look just like the printed version, or if they want to add rich multi-media content to their eBook, then considerable technical skills may be required. As a result, it is best to call on the services of a professional company for book to eBook conversion.

An experienced eBook conversion company will have the skills necessary to convert books to eBooks for any reading device on the market. They will be able to enhance your eBooks with audio, video and interactive content. They can make your eBook into an exciting sensory experience for the reader.

When looking for a company for your eBook conversion needs, make sure they have the skills necessary to do a good job for you. In particular, ask them about their experience with book to eBook conversion.

Tuesday, 22 August 2017

10 Must Know's Before You Write An Ebook

Below to will see ten rules you should implement before you attempt to write your own ebook.

Rule Number 1, You must have a good knowledge of your ebook subject. It is better to write an ebook about a subject you have a wide knowledge of. If you attempt to write an ebook when you have very little knowledge of the contents, your ebook will fail.

Rule Number 2, Ensure you know your subject inside and out! Remember the Internet has a wealth of information so research your chosen subject thoroughly.

Rule Number 3, What is the main goal of your ebook? What is your sole purpose for writing this ebook? Is it to sell thousands of copies? Will the ebook be a source of driving traffic to your website? Or, are you will the ebook be utilised for gaining subscribers?

Its important to focus entirely your main goal for this ebook. Do not deviate from this goal, If you try to use your ebook to achieve too many goals then it will achieve none of the goals. If you find that your ebook has more than one goal or purpose, split the content and write several ebooks instead.

Rule Number 4, What will be your ebook title? If you have an ebook title in mind, put it aside for a moment and come up with at least another 5 possible titles for your ebook. Now look at your list of possible titles and choose the title that has the best call to action. Call to action title words can be Stop, Now, Discover, Imagine and so on.

Rule Number 5, What graphics will be included with your ebook? When writing a how to ebook guide are you intending to use screen-shots to make the ebook easier to understand. If your ebook will be on the subject of cooking will you be including pictures of completed food dishes? Its a proven technique that when writing an ebook too much text can bore the reader. Use images to break it up the monotony. Its also important to think of your ebook ecover image, I highly recommend you get a professional ecover design to put the finishing touches to your new ebook.

Rule Number 6, What rights will you offer with your ebook? Ebooks now come with "rights" these can be in the form of Resell, Private Label, Free and Giveaway rights. Resell/Resale rights allow the ebook seller to resell the ebook, but the resell rights do not transfer to the buyer. Your ebook contents cannot be changed or copied. Master Resell Rights allow both the seller and buyer to resell the ebook. Again, the ebook must not be copied or changed in anyway. Private Label Rights allow the buyer to brand your ebook themselves and claim to be the author. If you allow "Unrestricted" Private Label Rights then the buyer can also sell your ebook with private label rights. Giveaway Rights are as stated the ebook must be given away and not sold.

There are advantages to allowing your ebook to be resold. Your ebook can become "viral" which means the more times your ebook gets sold, the more your links in your ebook will be seen.

Rule Number 7, How much are you going to charge for your ebook? Puting a price on your ebook can be a tough choice. You have to find a happy medium. Study similar content ebooks and observe the prices they are selling for. You could buy copies of competitors ebooks and compare their contents with your ebook. Another option is to offer your subscribers your ebook at different prices, then ask purchasers their opinion on your ebook with regard to value for money.

Rule Number 8, What format will your ebook be available in? The main two formats ebooks are currently available in are compiler software and adobe pdf format.

Using ebook compiler software can exclude many buyers who are wary of spyware/viruses contained in an executionable program, and MAC PC users cannot access ebooks compiled in executionable format.

Adobe Acrobat PDF format is installed on many new computers so readily available for buyers to read your ebook, and Adobe also provide a free download for Adobe PDF Reader.

Rule Number 9, Will you include web links in your ebook? When you are writing your ebook you should include your website url at the end, if the reader enjoyed your ebook they may want to visit your website. You may also included affiliate links if you feel they will benefit the reader.

Rule Number 10, How will you promote your ebook? You will need to devise a marketing plan for your ebook's release. You could give away free copies or leak a free chapter from your ebook. Why not use Press Release websites to announce the impending launch of your ebook.

If you use implement these 10 rules, you should have the basis for writing a great ebook.

Monday, 21 August 2017

eBook Writing And Publishing: How to Make Money As an eBook Writer

Prolific writers love writing eBooks for several reasons. eBooks are big writing projects that writers love to get their writing 'teeth' into, they're easy to format because there are no paper page issues to worry about, and they're quick to publish which leaves more time for writing.

But if you want to make a lot of money as an eBook writer then you need to be able to write fast. The faster you can produce an eBook the quicker you can start selling it, and you can go on selling it for years as long as the content is up to date. Even fiction books can get out-dated sometimes.

So you need to create eBooks fast if you want to earn your living this way.

The first thing you have to do with any eBook is research your subject. Even fiction books sometimes need a bit of research to make sure they are factually correct.

Research can be done quickly on the internet. These days most libraries now have their reference books online too. Just make sure that you don't get distracted by websites that look interesting but have no relevance to your research. Stay focused. Set aside an amount of time for research and that way, you'll be less distracted by 'pretty' things you find on the internet because your time will be limited.

Next you need to outline your eBook thoroughly so that you know exactly what information you're going to be including and in what order. Then it's time to start writing. If you've researched enough and outlined properly, the actual writing should be easy and fast to do because you'll have so many notes and outlines to refer to, plus all the information will be fresh in your mind.

Next you need to make money from your eBook.

eBooks are written for different reasons. The most obvious reason is to sell it and make money. And while this is an excellent way to make money writing eBooks, there are other ways too.

PLR eBooks 

You can sell your eBooks as PLR products. PLR stands for Private Label Rights. This means that you are actually selling the copyright of your eBook with each sale. When someone buys a PLR eBook it becomes theirs to do with as they please. Many eBook writers sell only a certain amount of each PLR eBook so as not to flood the market with the same product and reduce its value.

Some eBook writers package their eBooks with promotional articles and a sales page to attract more buyers. The only problem with PLR eBooks is that if you're selling a limited number of each one, your income is finite, but you can charge a high price per copy.

Promotional eBooks 

It's common for writers to write a small promotional eBook to give away for free and use it to advertise their bigger eBook. These smaller eBooks can be used by others to give away too. This is known as viral marketing because everyone loves a freebie so chances are your free eBook will be downloaded thousands of times with people passing it along to others via their own websites. This can work really well as a promotional tool.

Promotional eBooks are also a great way to market not just your eBooks, but your websites too and get you known as a leader in your niche.

Re-sale rights 

This is similar to PLR except that your eBook cannot be changed in any way. People who buy your eBook with re-sale rights, get the right to sell it themselves. Selling an eBook this way means you need to place strict terms for re-selling such as not under-cutting you on price and not changing the eBook in any way. Selling an eBook with resale rights, unlike PLR, means you can go on selling it for years.

Ghost writing 

If you find that you love writing eBooks and are good at it, you could hire yourself out as an eBook ghost writer. Writing eBooks this way means that you'll never get recognition for your work but you will be paid for everything you write. It's not unusual for eBook ghost writers to charge several thousand dollars to write an eBook. I know of one author who was paid $1,600 for writing a 10-page eBook.

Get Affiliates 

You can use affiliates to help drive sales of your eBooks. It's usual to pay affiliates 50% commission or more. If you are lucky enough to get a super affiliate selling your eBook and generating hundreds or even thousands of sales, it's wise to increase their commission to motivate them to sell even more eBooks for you. And because they're selling so many, even if you pay them more you'll still earn more.

So as you can see, there are ways to write eBooks quickly and different ways to make money from them.

Just make sure that all your eBooks are great eBooks.

Sunday, 20 August 2017

How To Write An eBook Template

If you operate an online business, there are some very good reasons to write an eBook. Your own eBook will help to establish you as a recognized specialist in your field.

Another reason to consider writing your own eBook is the passive income it can generate for you. You do the work once and you can sell the eBook again and again on your website.

Here's the template for writing an eBook.

Break It Down Into Workable Tasks

The hardest part of writing an eBook is the title, first and last sentence. Breaking it down makes each task seem smaller and more manageable. When you look at the whole project, it seems like an impossible task, but if you can get the project started, even if not perfectly, at least you have begun to get the words down.

Determine A Good Working Title

Titles help you to concentrate writing on your subject matter. Write down a few different titles and gradually you'll find that one that starts to grow on you. Your title will guide you in predicting and responding to your readers' questions.

Have A Good Reason For Your eBook

Be absolutely clear what issue you're dealing with and how your eBook will fix that issue for your target audience. Make sure there's good reason to write your eBook so that it helps your target audience.

Don't Write For Everyone

Remember you're writing an eBook for your target audience. It's not possible to write an eBook that will be liked and read by everybody. Know the expected age range of your readers, their main interests and the socio-economic group they belong to.

Keep Your Writing Interesting

Generally, stories, testimonials, pictures, charts, guidance and tips will keep an audience reading the pages. Use sidebars on the page for quick, accessible information. This will help break up the density of the page.

Let Somebody Read It First

Before you release your eBook, get someone to read it first. They may spot something that you have missed. Also don't forget to make backups of all your work. There's nothing worse than having your eBook practically completed only to lose it if your computer crashes all of a sudden.

Write Down Your Objectives

The more you know your objective, the less complicated the actual writing will be. Are you writing an eBook to sell it as an information product on your website? Or do you want to offer it as a free gift to encourage people to opt in to your email list? The more you know about how you plan to publish it, the more you can write toward that objective.

The number one excuse for not writing an eBook is that people say they don't have enough time. But even the busiest people have more than enough time over 365 days to write several eBooks, much less a single one! The secret is to follow a proven system that has worked for others. 

Saturday, 19 August 2017

Does Affiliate Marketing Make Money?

Affiliate marketing is an online business model where you, as an affiliate, earn money by promoting and selling products or services produced by another business. Some affiliates are making six figures by putting the right products in front of the right people at the right time.

Many new internet entrepreneurs jump head first into affiliate marketing because they think it's an easy way to make money. But they soon see that is not the case.

If you want to make money from affiliate marketing, here are 7 tips to keep in mind when starting out.

1. It's Not A Get Rich Quick Scheme

If an affiliate program guarantees overnight riches, proceed with caution. Affiliate marketing is not a get rich quick scheme. Just like any other online business, it's a real business and needs to be run like one.

2. Keep Up To Date

Affiliate marketing can be highly competitive and things do change. Keep yourself up to date by learning as much as you can about your niche, follow the trends, and doing the work required to be successful.

3. Use Effective Affiliate Marketing Tools

Any business needs a good business plan, together with the right tools of the trade. For affiliate marketing, this includes:

  • A good blogging platform such as WordPress
  • Useful plug-ins, starting from an SEO plug-in to a broken-link checker
  • Followings learning guides and courses
  • A keyword research tool such as Market Samurai
  • An effective way of capturing leads and prospects
  • A wide range of affiliate networks to compare and contrast products
  • Affiliate tracking software

4. Communication

One of the more important aspects in business is communicating with your customer. Set up a blog and encourage comments. Also make comments on other blogs and forums that are similar to yours. This participation isn't to always to sell anything but to find out what your future potential customers are looking for.

5. The Right Attitude

Having the right attitude is essential. If you think that you'll only have to put in a small effort to gain the best results, then you're going to be very disappointed. It does take time and work to generate income.

6. Be Honest

You can have the coolest marketing tools and the most expensive ads but they'll mean nothing if you target market don't trust you. Your audience have to know, like and trust you before they'll consider buying from you.

7. It's Not Just About Selling

Think of affiliate marketing as helping others to find solutions to problems that they have. This will let your efforts flow from genuineness as opposed to looking overeager in trying to make money.

Companies are happy to pay commissions to people just like you, in return for selling their products and services. You have the potential to make a great income when you choose the right niche, stay committed, and understand your audience. 

Friday, 18 August 2017

Aim For an Established Blog - Read on These Blogging Money Tips

Driving steady flow of traffic to your site, making sure your blog readers will remember it and making them visit again could be very challenging. But the biggest question is "How". Let me give you some simple insights on the "how" aspect to help increase your rankings in the search engine and to keep more blog readers coming back.

One Blog Could Be Enough.

By concentrating on one blog alone gives you more time to pour out hard work and therefore produce high quality content blogs. A good blogging money business does not mean creating and maintaining two or three more blogs. Doing this will only lead you nowhere. Focus on one blog, the sooner you will gain the benefits of increased traffic.

Social Network Sites Could Help.

Becoming a member of a Social Network Site can also help you to promote your site. However, just like your blog, participating in several sites will not gain you anything. Make your few hours of stay worthwhile and focus on the exposure of your blog. The goal is to promote and make money blogging awareness in these social sites.

Visit Others Blogs and Leave Comments.

Make it a habit to visit successful blogs with topics related to your own. Leaving informative comments will surely become a good way for you to connect with the bloggers and their readers. This way, you gain exposure and attract a good flow of traffic in your blog site.

Blog Passionately.

Always write a blog that is close to your interest. Your passion in the topics you write will reflect on you as a writer and your readers will see through it. Consider your blog as a friend not as a mere blogging for money tool for your site.

Original Content is the Best.

Knowing the topics you love about is what makes blogging very appealing to a blog writer. Your blog is how you make it, your own style and your own thoughts. It allows you the freedom to choose and become you. As long as you enjoy doing it, you are on your way to creating original and unique blog contents your readers will highly enjoy.