Saturday, 26 August 2017

Viral Marketing Through eBooks

Electronic books most commonly known as eBooks are executable files of HTML. This type of HTML you have prepared can be put into a downloadable .exe or .pdf file for sharing and mass distribution. When you download the eBook it can be stored anywhere on your desktop that you desire.

eBooks are very similar to normal paper back books except you do not have to go to bookstores to purchase them as they can easily be downloaded on your computer. You can put anything on a eBook that you can put on a paper version book. If your site is about how to lose weight you can easily create a eBook about losing weight. If your site is about marketing tips. You can make a eBook about Marketing tips.

An eBook is basically a offline version of a website owners content that can be easily changed into a easy to read publication. You can download a eBook from a website and store it on your computer to read at a later time. eBooks come with easy to use navigation tools that allows the readers to skip to any page or chapter and also allows them to search for any keyword in the eBook.

eBooks can be entirely interactive with the Internet and can contain graphics, forms, JavaScript, audio, live links, embedded video, animation and whatever the author chooses to put in the eBook. eBooks combine the functionality and purpose of physical books along with complex software.

Your business can greatly benefit from an eBook especially in terms of Viral Marketing. Over the next few years eBooks will play a very important role in Viral Marketing. You can utilize eBooks no matter what the product or service your company offers. Read on to find out.

Why are eBooks such an effective viral marketing tool?

Viral marketing with the use of eBooks works this way. First and foremost it is vitally important that your eBook contains information of interest to the reader. It is very challenging to try to market something that is of no use to the reader. eBooks should give their readers something to come away with or learn from. In this sense this is how a eBook is similar to a physical book.

A reader will put down a book after reading a few pages if he/she finds it dull or boring. Its the same situation for a eBook except worse. On the internet the attention span is very short. So you have to grab the readers attention with something that will help or better them or their business. If you are using eBooks as a viral marketing tool they should be given away from your website for free.

The cost of the production and distribution of an eBook are very small if not free. This is what makes it such a incredible viral marketing tool. The eBook should give the reader the feel and layout of your business service or product. The eBook should have a message or link in it that is promoting your website or business. Generally its best to put a link in the footer of each page.

Having a link in the eBook will bring the reader back to your website and spawn a opportunity for more business and possibly sales. You can put links or advertisements to your website that should entice the reader to visit your website. The best way to do this is to put the link to your website in every footer of the page.

eBooks become a viral marketing tool because they can be given to anyone for free and you can allow your readers to give the eBook away or even sale the eBook for a very nominal fee. In turn this creates more and more traffic to your website because your link is the one of the footer. eBooks are just like paper books they are copywrited and cannot be change unless allowed by the author.

Make sure to spread your website links throughout the eBook or on the footer of the page. Personally I recommend utilizing the footer. Your customer can either upload the eBook on his/her website or offer it individually to his/her friends through email and this is how it becomes a viral marketing tool.

Another way it becomes a viral marketing tool is when you give it away you can allow the person to edit it and ad their links but leave some of yours. This now becomes a viral marketing tool because it persuades the person to want to give it away or sale it if their links are on the eBook.

When they promote the eBook so they can gain traffic to their website now you are gaining traffic to yours also. Some people are not that great at writing and this becomes an easy way for them to promote their own website though the means of a eBook. This is a proven strategy and should definitely be employed.

When people see links on eBooks the mind is curious and wants to find out what is behind the link. Especially if it has a powerful eye catching domain name. So make sure you have a great domain and happy viral marketing.

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