Thursday, 17 August 2017

Blogging Secrets Revealed - Top 7 Tips For Beginner Blogger to Make Big Blogging Money

Lots of people start blogging to make money online. But only 1 to 2 percent of blogger really make money by blogging and all of others only get disappointment. Normally people fail in blogging because they don't know exactly what should be done. 

So, here are top 7 tips you should apply at your blog to be a successful blogger.

# 1. Write articles with consistency: - This is the most important part of blogging. You must write articles with consistency. It will give you lots of benefits. Search engines like fresh and new contents and also people like something new to read. They always search for new solutions of their old problems.

# 2. Write For Low Competitive Keywords: - Keyword research is most important part of blogging. You may waste you time on writing for wrong keywords. Do some keyword researches before writing any set of articles. Always write for low competitive keywords. To know which keywords are low competitive use many keyword suggestive tools like Google AdWord Keyword Tool, WordTracker and many other tools.

# 3. Write Reviews Of Relevant Products: - Normally people think they earn by blogging only by displaying ads on their blog. But you can also make money by promoting some products at your blog. Go to ClickBank and pick up some relevant products and write some reviews about them with your affiliate links. It will increase the popularity of your blog and if someone buys any of those products by clicking your affiliate links, you will dual up your blogging money.

# 4. Visit other blogs: - Always visit other blogs so that you will get new methods and tips on how to improve blogging money. It is what a lot bloggers don't do. If you don't visit other blogs, you will not be able to update your blog. So, always visit other blogs.

# 5. Post Comments On Other Blogs: - When you visit any blog, always try to post a comment. It will give you lots of benefits like it will improve your writing skill and also you will get at least one new visitor. Also it will help you for your link building campaign.

# 6. Always Give Answer Of Comments: - If any visitor post comment on your blog, always try to give answer without delay. Sometimes you will get negative comments, but face it. And use it as your improvement tool. If you don't give answers of your comments then you will be going to lose your visitors.

# 7. Learn From Your Mistakes: - People don't realize that they make mistakes. They start blogging and they do work hard, but they don't get any result. Basically they are repeating some common mistakes. And remember if you are not making any mistakes then you are not working.

So, there are lots of people who are making decent online money by blogging. Maybe you will be one of them. You just need to invest a little time on your blog.

Just imagine you will have a 24/7 hour working money making blog. And you are making lots of money at home.

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