Article Marketing is one method used to make money online. There are usually 2 types of articles written. The one type of article provides a broad general display of information,of facts or opinion on a topic, a person, place, or thing. Or the second type of article provides a carefully crafted subject to include a keyword rich article that drives internet traffic, boosts ranking in search engines, in hopes to draw an interest from the reader into purchasing a product or service.
Now, there is a third type of article written also. It includes elements from both types described from type 1 and 2. This is the most useful of the 2 types because not only does it educates, informs, and entertains the reader, it is also well liked by the search engines, because it includes keyword phrasing and density that promotes a high search rank.
Article Marketing target keywords need to mimic the same specific words or topics the reader searches on. These are techniques that marketers use to optimize the article written. I can hear the questions being raised now, "what in the world are you talking about?"
"What is a keyword, traffic, and ranking"? And "How do you make money online doing that?"
The answer to the first set of questions, keywords, traffic, and ranking is an easy one...It's just internet business jargon for topic, customers, and popularity.
Article Marketing is the answer to the making money online question. Choose a popular topic, present valid and compelling content, offer a service or product that provides value and motivates the reader to buy. The concept is simple, if done correctly using the right methods.
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