Sunday, 24 September 2017

Yes! You Need A Huge Dose Of Persistence To Succeed As A Home Based Entrepreneur

In this article, I'm going to discuss PERSISTENCE as an important aspect of the Success Motivating Matrix.

"When the going gets tough, the Tough get going"

"Winners never quit and Quitters never win"

You may be wondering why I started with the quotes above. I've used these quotes because they aptly describe the topic I'm about to discuss.

They're all quotes/phrases that show in different ways, the sentiment people have attached to Persistence.

Persistence is really a very important and necessary characteristic for success as a Home Based Entrepreneur.

After over two decades of my involvement with entrepreneurship both as a Serial Entrepreneur and a Trainer, I see entrepreneurship as a way of life. You learn from your mistakes and try to improve on your next endeavor. Though it's possible, but It's not usual for an Entrepreneur to succeed at the very first attempt.

As a determined entrepreneur, you must develop the persistence and burning desire to succeed.

First you develop the idea for the business, make your plans and start the business.

As you go along, there'll always be times when you feel you've hit a brick wall. These could come in different ways - it could be that government just introduced a new policy that may not favor your business or a product innovation introduced by your competitor may be nipping the market share from you.

The Entrepreneur may even be overwhelmed by the share operations of the business.

At such times you must remain focused on your business ideas, readjust your plans when and where necessary to take into consideration, the unfolding events in your business niche.

This is why a well written Business Plan must be flexible enough to embrace any developments that may come up as business operations continue.

The ability to stay the course and maintain focus despite opposing odds is what defines PERSISTENCE.

Being persistent is the mark of a true fighter and for you to succeed as a Home Based Business Owner, you must have a good dose of Persistence.

Persistence is a very critical success factor for any Entrepreneur. There are other necessary success factors but persistence is definitely very important in the Success Motivating Matrix.

You must have faith in yourself and your business idea because other people may not believe in it.

This reminds me of the story of Henry Ford. Mr Ford had failed in five business ventures before he launched The Ford Motor Company which turned out to be a huge success.

Mr Ford also showed much persistence when he wanted to develop a car with V8 engine. His engineers kept telling him it was not possible but Ford insisted it could be done and on each occasion, persuaded and cajoled them to continue with the project.

Eventually success smiled on him and a car with a V8 engine was born. This was a classic case of what persistence can achieve.

Indeed, history has shown that when Persistence is applied positively, all the laws of nature conspire and converge to grant the Entrepreneur a reprieve.

I always encourage my Trainees to have faith in their business ideas and personal ability to make their business succeed.

I believe that Persistence is an attribute of success that can be learned under the right circumstances. I make my Trainees to understand the importance of Persistence and many have gone ahead to succeed beyond their dreams.

As a Serial Entrepreneur, my strong belief is that you learn from your mistakes and failures and carry these over to the next business enterprise

You don't abandon ship just because of a bad storm experience. Instead you build on your experience and try to take better decisions next time.

However, It's instructive to state that you must know when to stop being obstinate with your Persistence and instead adjust your plans or use another approach to achieve the desired results.

Thank you for "persisting" to the end of this write-up.

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