I am pretty confident you have heard of the law of attraction. And again, I know that you have been told that it is just the matter of thinking about what you want. You simply have to think about it and somehow it will land on your lap. Somehow..
This law of attraction thing is supposed to be easy, right? Well, if you believe all the talk going around about this topic, why are you not connecting the dots? Why are you not successful?
And why does it seem so HARD? Why do other people seem to make it look easy? Why? Why?
Secondly, these "practitioners" seem to gloss over a powerful concept i.e. BELIEFS.You see, our beliefs about ourselves, surroundings, abilities, possibilities etc determine where we end up in our lives.
A lot of people tend to think that the answer is somewhere in the distance. This leads to an addiction to self help materials. One ends up collecting and reading hundreds of self help books but still not benefiting anything whatsoever.
The above are some of the reasons why law of attraction does not seem to work for you.
For the longest of times, I was obsessed about self help books, especially the law of attraction narrative. The idea that one can just think in a certain way thereby changing one's life, for the better absolutely intrigued me. I was hooked.
I read and read any law of attraction book I can lay my hands on. I attended seminars, bought videos and countless books. But there was no improvement in my life. In fact, I was poorer for it because I was buying so much self help materials, to no avail.
I kept on asking myself "Why? What was I doing wrong?" Surely there was nothing wrong with what I was reading. Many people were using the same and succeeding. The answer was right under my nose.
It turns out what we need to do in order to make the most of the law of attraction rule is to look within ourselves. We have to inspect our beliefs about ourselves. We have to realize that we do not have to read hundreds of books in order to get our lives in order.
As a matter of fact, we do not need anything outside ourselves. We are really not lacking in resources.
Get to grips with what you want in your life. Do you want more money? Are you after a perfect relationship? Do you need a more harmonious life? You get the picture..
Realize that what prevents you from actually achieving your desires is yourself. Nothing or no one else.
Get to work. Working, in this instance, could mean a lot of things. But the idea is that what you are after will have to be received. So, working is the act of receiving what is coming to you.
Start experiencing the things you want. For instance, if you want a specific car, start driving it in your mind. Visualize its every detail i.e. colour, dashboard, tyres, seats etc. See every detail and yourself already driving it. Do this long enough and with absolute conviction and before you know it, you will receive it.
Expect to receive what you want. Do not even think about the possibility of failure. You cannot fail. Period
The law of attraction does work. All you need to realize is that it is one of the vehicles at your disposal to success. Use it and see miracles in our life.
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