Sunday, 31 December 2017

Saturday, 30 December 2017

Choose Gratitude for Well-Being

As you celebrate the holidays and plan for a healthier more active you in the new year, give yourself a timeout. Take time to step away from the frenetic hustle and bustle and think seriously about gratitude during the year that is ending. One of my many caveats with my clients is to remind them that the well-being life has many facets and gratitude is one of the important elements.
Dr. Robert A. Emmons, psychology professor at UC Berkley and leading scientific expert on gratitude shares that gratitude heals, energizes and transforms lives. In researching gratitude, Emmons found that those who keep a gratitude journal, recording the things they are grateful for have a lower dietary fat intake, lower levels of stress hormones such as cortisol, and may actually reduce the effects of aging on the brain.
Other benefits of reflecting on those things that you are appreciative of are well-being, quality sleep and an optimistic outlook.
People, who have embraced gratitude as a state of mind, take better care of themselves. They engage in regular physical activity, maintain a healthy diet and get regular physical exams. Additionally research on patients with heart damage found that higher gratitude scores were linked to a better outlook, more quality sleep and less inflammation which can worsen the symptoms of heart failure.
Better Sleep Health
For folks who struggle with getting to sleep, taking 15 minutes to write down a couple of things you are grateful for can aid in quieting busy minds and reducing worrisome thoughts that often kick in as you try to go to sleep. Take a new tactic in the sleep countdown-count your blessings, not those sheep!
Optimistic Outlook
In focusing on gratitude and the positive things in your universe, you can easily develop or change your outlook to one of positivity. Studies have found that an optimistic outlook can aid in reducing stress, boosting the immune system and lowering blood pressure. Research has found that optimism or seeing the glass half full early in life is a predictor of better health.
Embracing and practicing gratitude is not difficult; you can practice gratitude by:
  • Being aware and acknowledging what other people do for you
  • Expressing appreciation for opportunities
  • Communicating appreciation by thanking people and doing nice things for others
An attitude of gratitude is one of the easiest and economical things to do. Here are a few ideas to get started on gratitude goals:

  • Volunteer in your community.
  • Hand write a thank you note 

  • Share a healthful recipe with your walking group or exercise class

  • Smile when you answer the phone to communicate that you are pleased to hear from the person calling.

  • Give at least one compliment daily.
In thinking about the plans and goals you'd like to accomplish in the coming year, add a healthy dose of gratitude which will benefit each step you make on the path to well-being.

Article Source:
Take Away: Be grateful and express gratitude, as a key ingredient for a health and well-being.

Friday, 29 December 2017

How to Make Your Goals for the New Year Stick

Any time is a good time to begin setting goals, however the New Year always feels like a fresh start for making lasting change. We all start out with good intentions, really wanting to achieve our goals but somehow we kind of lose the momentum shortly after committing to them. What is it that stops us in our tracks? If you desire to have a healthier life style, or create a business plan that will generate more revenue, travel, buy a home, or what ever goals that turn you on, you first have to become clear as to what you really want.

Clarity is the first step to manifesting any outcome. The clearer you can define exactly what you want the more it becomes programmed into your subconscious mind, Then your subconscious mind will begin to go to work looking for ways to achieve it.

Next you have to visualize the outcome. Actually engage all your senses to feel like what you want is already present. This is putting your imagination to work. Play with this and see yourself already accomplished in your goal.

After you see yourself fully engaged in your vision, focus is the next step. This is so important and where you can derail from your vision if you become distracted. We live in a day and age where we are being bombarded with so much information that we can easily lose sight of our vision if we do not stay on course and keep our eye on the goal. We must hold our vision and focus on it every day. The longer you can hold the image, the better.

Then, you must believe that it is possible for you to obtain your desired goal. Without believing in yourself, nothing can manifest. Putting the previous tools in place will keep you from losing momentum.

Next, take some action. This is the glue that will begin to cement your belief in your goal and draw it closer to you. What ever your seeking is seeking you too. You see, there is no attraction without the action. Action is a vital ingredient in the recipe for successful goals. As you move in the direction of your goal, the mere action of doing something creates a powerful force in your favor.

The universe conspires to assist you and you will begin to get a sense of synchronicity working with you. This is your intuition kicking into high gear. This is also another mental muscle like imagination that is helping guide you in the direction of your desired outcome. It can be a subtle nudge to do something, or a feeling that overcomes you, letting you know how to navigate the course ahead.

This is how to make your goals stick. It is a process, and it takes time to implement them. However the more you apply these steps to your desired goal, the faster they will create results in your favor. Any thing that you truly desire will manifest into physical form if you are vigilant with simply following this course of action. This is the creative process. So this year, why not begin with a clear vision, belief, focus, action, and intuition to make 2016 your best year yet. It works, if you work it!

Thursday, 28 December 2017

History of New Years Resolutions - Where Did New Years Resolutions Come From?

Where Did New Years Resolutions Come From?

On the 1st of January, millions of people around the globe start working on New Years resolutions. Chances are you have tried them yourself in one way or another. They are one of the fun things about the New Year. But have you ever wondered where they came from?

Who first started setting New Years Resolutions?

Well, here is a brief history of the origins of the New Years resolution for you:

The Babylonians

The first recorded New Years resolutions were made by the Babylonians around 4000 years ago. Most commonly, it revolved around returning any borrowed farm equipment, as their New Year coincided with the start of their farming season.

The Romans

Not long after, the Romans would start the new year by counting the stock of the previous year and setting a goal to accomplish more in the coming year.

It was not just western countries that set resolutions either.

The Chinese

The Chinese set a special New Years resolution - house cleaning. Most people nowadays would relate this to Spring-Cleaning. At the coming of the New Year, the Chinese would clean their house from top to bottom. What a great way to start the year, with a beautiful clean house!

The Modern World

Today we still set New Years resolutions, and try to achieve them. They are almost always based around self-improvement resolutions and goals. They are a way to mark the beginning of changes in our habits and lifestyle. The most common resolutions include losing weight, quitting smoking and/or drinking, and improving your finances.

As mentioned earlier, millions of people make these resolutions but unfortunately only 10% ever manage to achieve them. It is a sad fact, but many of these resolutions do not even last longer than a few weeks. By July, most have been completely forgotten and no real progress against the resolution has been made.

It is amazing what such a long history the New Years resolution has had. You may be thinking of creating on yourself this coming New Year. And why not? It is a tradition practiced around the entire globe. Above all though, we should remember that the most important aspect of a New Years resolution is to take action and stick to it.

Now that you know the History of New Years Resolutions it's time to grab some free information on how to plan and set your New Years resolution in order to maximize your chances of achieving it, be sure to visit:

Wednesday, 27 December 2017

The Goal Setting Blueprint

Why is goal setting important?

Because without goals you don't go anywhere!

Whenever you see anything worthwhile being done anywhere, it's because someone is behind it with a passion, a belief and a goal!

When it comes to your personal life and your business, goal setting can make the difference between mediocrity and excellence and accomplishment.

Much is said about goal setting.

But just how do you set and accomplish goals?

Is there some goal setting formula or strategy that can be employed to increase your chances of success?

Thankfully, YES!

What follows is a blueprint for success in goal setting.

The Goal Setting Blueprint

STEP 1. Develop a DESIRE to achieve the goal. The desire must be intense. How do you intensify desire? Sit down and write out all the benefits and advantages of achieving your goal. Once the list goes between 50 and 100 your goal becomes unstoppable.

STEP 2. WRITE your goal down. Once it goes into writing it becomes substantial and starts etching itself into your subconscious.

STEP 3. IDENTIFY 1) the obstacles you will need to overcome, 2) the help you will need to acquire, e.g. knowledge, people, organizations. In each case write them out in a clear list and analyze them.

STEP 4. DEADLINE your goal. Analyze where you are now in relation to the goal and then measure how long you will reasonably need to complete the goal. Then set the latest outside date.

STEP 5. Take all the details of steps 3 and 4 and make a PLAN. List all the activities and prioritize them. Rewrite the list, optimize it, perfect it.

STEP 6. Get a clear MENTAL PICTURE of the goal already accomplished. Make the mental image crystal clear, vivid in the mind's eye. Play that picture over and over in your mind.

STEP 7. Back your plan with PERSISTENCE and resolve. Never, never, never give up even when you hit setbacks.

Follow those steps religiously and you will be successful at goal setting.

DANGER - You can read this and think, "That sounds interesting. I must try that sometime".

Notice the title of this article - "Goal Setting: The Blueprint".

What is a blueprint?

It can refer to a negative used in photography for architectural plans, maps or mechanical drawings. It can also mean a detailed plan or program of action.

SO - Take these 7 steps and rewrite them on a card or in a notebook for frequent reference. Keep them on your computer in a note on your desktop.

Use the 7 steps as a BLUEPRINT. Keep checking your goal against the 7 steps frequently to measure your progress and keep yourself on track.

Then and only then will this article make a difference to your personal and business life.

The Question

Now the question is, what goal are you going to set today?

What goal can you set for your business which is going to lift it to new levels?

What goal setting are you going to implement in your personal life which is going to have a positive effect on you and your loved ones?

Take some time now and THINK about it!


Tuesday, 26 December 2017

Christmas Magic Experienced Through English Literature

Charles Dickens' great story of Ebenezer Scrooge has been depicted in numerous cartoons and movies, but long before this meaningful story became a commercial success, it was enjoyed by English-speaking families across the world. We learned from Ebenezer Scrooge, a man who personified stinginess, that it is better to give than to receive, especially since the giver reaps the benefits of giving, having made a difference in the lives of others. Dickens taught readers that Christmas time was a holiday for giving, for sharing a meal and for displaying kindness with those who are lonely and who could benefit from some assistance. This timeless story enriched the minds of young and old alike as Dicken's storytelling was a means of teaching society how to behave in an ethical--rather than selfish--manner.

Christmas stories are profound teachers that enable readers and listeners to make educated decisions based on intense, inner analysis. Furthermore, it is through reading them with a group that such great stories improve our English-speaking skills. Sharing a story is one of the oldest human traditions, a means of inter-generational and multicultural connectivity evoking all of the senses. These great stories fill hearts with enchanted dreams.

The Ghosts of Christmas Past, Present, and Future teach Scrooge the negative results of stinginess and greediness. No doubt, these concepts arise when a group of readers discuss the motivations for Scrooge's greediness. Did Scrooge become so greedy due to his beloved girlfriend whom he lost, or was it his own fault that his girlfriend left him back when he was young? Did such stinginess transform him into a mean man? Did the observation of another individual ultimately turn Scrooge into a caring individual, putting him on the righteous path? Readers might ponder whether it was really necessary for Scrooge to have a frightening visit from a phantom in order to make him, as stingy as he was, to change his ways? One might ask whether people should do good things with heavenly rewards in mind? Was it ultimately Scrooge's guilt over the illness of a small child that caused Ebenezer Scrooge to see the light? This stimulating debate has continued for decades, and hopefully, it will cause readers to ponder such questions for decades to come.

The Gift of the Magi (1905) by the American author O Henry depicts the difficulties that were faced by young married couples in the early Twentieth Century. The main protagonist Della, a poor housewife, makes great sacrifices, demonstrating parsimony, in order to save up one dollar and eighty-seven cents to purchase a meaningful Christmas gift for her husband Jim. Likewise, Jim also makes a profound sacrifice to provide Della with a suitable gift. The two equate Christmas with the acts of gift-giving and consumerism, but they learn that Christmas means more than just a shopping holiday. Rather, their sacrifices made for the benefit of others count more than anything else. It is not only Christ's sacrifice but also the personal offerings that people make to those who surround them that make Christmas an enchanted and magical holiday. The Gift of the Magi is often read in the American public schools, but this story merits deep discussion by adults and intellectuals of all ages. It ends with a surprising twist that both pleases and disappoints readers depending upon their own personal philosophies. The Gift of the Magi is not very long so it is perfect reading on Christmas Eve.

How the Grinch Stole Christmas (1957) by Dr Seuss always pleases children during the Christmas Season. Not only does it teach about feelings of love, but it also helps readers develop a sense of rhyme and rhythm. The Grinch is a greedy creature who steals all of the gifts from the inhabitants of Whoville. He discovers that materials goods stolen from others do not represent happiness so he decides to return them. In an attempt to teach young readers that there is more to the holiday season than receiving gifts from others, Dr Seuss employed imaginative rhyming verses. Readers of all ages will enjoy reading this story time and time again.

The famous poem entitled The Night Before Christmas (1837), possibly written by Clement Clarke Moore, has done much to shape the modern vision of Santa Claus. Santa is depicted as a magical person who delivers gifts to children on Christmas Eve. In this poem Christmas focuses more on children than on adults. The father tells a story of how he catches a glimpse of Santa while his children are asleep. The sound of the poem, which is in a limerick form, delights readers who enjoy the natural limerick beat.

In The Three Kings, Henry Wadsworth Longfellow portrays the plight of those who sought Jesus at the time of his birth. The kings behold a star that represents the birth as foretold in a prophecy. The new King would be greater than Herod himself. Such a child would be the son of God, a child born to save humankind. Longfellow paints a portrait of Mary, the mother of Christ who, although worried, has absolute faith in the promise of an Angel. Such a lively poem reminds readers and listeners about the true origins of Christmas that compel us to believe in the child who also represents the possibilities, potentialities, and capabilities of childhood in general.

From the stories that we share at Christmas time are born the stories of our lives, many of which are cast onto a paper to be explored further. May Christmastime become the stimulus for growth resulting from such a rich storytelling tradition. Telling the story of Christmas has been, after all, handed down to all of us from prior generations who still remain our ancestors to be appreciated.

Monday, 25 December 2017

Educational Toys Make a Great Christmas Present

We as parents can give them presents with educational value. We feel no guilt in giving our children presents that help them explore and learn. The holiday is about giving but it can also be a way to replenish art supplies and learning materials at the same time. Giving craft kits to make presents for others teach children value of sharing and caring. When they get that set of loops and loom, they can make pot holders for family and friends. They made it their selves to give to someone else. This gives them a big sense of pride.

Educational toys are still very colorful and kids don't realize they are learning. Toddlers and babies learn so much in a short time. Why not give them the tools that will help them later on. Learning is fun with the right toys that are introduced.

Just stuffed animals, never, this is a cuddle toy like no other. When the fur is ragged and worn, that toy has done its job of being a little childs' best buddy to nap or play. When Ty Babies came out they were all the rage and they are still fun for many to collect. This is a good way for little ones to start a collection that can follow through and be enjoyed by their children. Collecting is a great way for kids to enjoy traveling when its something simple they can collect along the way. It can be something as simple as rocks or fall leaves to press in the big catalog at home. Simple things from nature teach them to respect the mother earth.

When you give a child an ant farm they are thrilled to see the activity. This is a mystery to them without the window to uncover the secrets. Microscopes are a great present that will help them see what is invisible to the naked eye. Science toys are still a great gift and they are learning and enjoying.

Playhouses give little ones a sense of self when they are by themselves to have quiet moments to reflect and read. This is a great place for them to enjoy as a place all their own with everything their size. One is a school bus with the steering wheel in place in the top, large enough to enjoy for meaningful play.

Dress up is a way for little ones to play role models like Mom and Dad. You find out how well you are doing when you listen to the little voices from your children. They hear more than we think they do. Are you proud of the mirror image you are molding into a future Mom or Dad.

Sunday, 24 December 2017

Christmas tips to help your family have a harmonious Christmas

Spread out the present giving so it’s not overwhelming
Give before receiving
Fair doesn’t mean equal

Friday, 22 December 2017

Ways to Pass on Our Family Values

Every family is unique and they have their own social and cultural values. The way you pass on these family values to your own children has to be done with utmost care and discipline. Also, as a parent, you have to incorporate your family values into your parenting style. You cannot just wish that your children develop a very good character without having any influence on it.

Children learn from their parents and all their values in childhood develop because of their parents. Also, the mental development of a child is completely developed under their parents influence and before their teen years. What they learn during their childhood is manifested in adulthood.

The best way to teach children about your family values is by giving them an example. This means you have follow the values before trying to thrust them upon your kids. If you want to have a positive impact on your children, you will have lead by example. If you desire certain qualities in your children, then make sure you have and practice them.

Several experts agree that model behavior is the best thing for a child. Try having an open conversation your kids which is the best way to teach. Also, be open to answering your child's questions. If you maintain an open communication, your child will not have anything to hide.

Also, take examples to illustrate. Here you can take incidents shown on television to emulate your ideas and/or contrast them with comparisons. Set high expectations for your kids so that they understand that they have to work hard live up to them. Encourage them in a positive manner to meet with those expectations.

Wednesday, 20 December 2017

The Importance and Value of Books for Children

What's your favourite fairy tale? Each one of us could answer this question rather easily. Fairy tales are an important part of our childhood. Our parents read them to us at bedtime allowing us to bond with them and meet our favourite heroes in dreamland as well.

Fairy tales and other similar types of stories are frequently found in books for children that are common at home or in libraries and in school. These books can really stir up the imagination of children and teach them good morals and values.

In the past, boy's and girl's preference for the kind of stories found in books for children differed. Boys are interested in stories about adventure like those of pirates, explorers, and pirates. Girls on the other hand are mostly to read about ponies or training as nurses.

Modern stories however cater to the interest of both sexes, and while in the past stories revolve around a group the same gender, today's stories often combine them. The trio of Harry, Ron and Hermione in the Harry Potter series is a perfect example.

Most of the stories in the past also portray a pleasant world were children could wander around safely. In modern books for children however, girl characters like Hermione can get stuck in dangerous situations as much as their boy counterparts.

Nevertheless the mellow flavor of traditional stories is still part of their charm, it allows readers to be reassured by the idyllic world of classics like The Wind in the Willow.

Books for children can be quite lucrative. They can be found in our homes, day cares, and children libraries throughout the world. The characters have even been brought to life in movies. Disney made movies of the classics like, Peter Pan, Aladdin, Cinderella, and Snow White.

JK Rowling is recognized as today's foremost wirier of books for children. She follows in the light o other writer's in children's fiction like Roald Dahl and JRR Tolkien. Her characters, Harry Potter and his friends are now world-famous and her stores have also been immortalized on the silver screen as well.

Her work is so appealing the children who had no attraction to reading are now awaiting the next potter book impatiently. Although her books have been criticized as having no place for religion and are exposing children to potentially harmful realm of magic they also teach values to children.

Courage, loyalty, and comradeship are just a few of the values hat can be learned from books for children Harry Potter.

Tuesday, 19 December 2017

Why Parenting Is Important?

Parents are the most important teachers in their children's lives. Children learn most of their moral values from their parents. If you have noticed most children imitate their parents. Along with love and care, children require someone to discipline them. Parents are the best ones who can discipline them. When disciplined by a parent, the child understands that he/she is loved but has done something wrong and hence has been corrected.

Parenting is much more than just providing materialistic things for your children. Parenting should involve spending time with your kids, chatting with them daily, teaching them good from bad, correcting them every time they do something wrong, teaching them manners, teaching them to share, loving them, playing with them, teaching them what respect is and installing moral values in them. I firmly believe that one of the major causes of violence in our world today is the lack of good parenting. If you teach your children values such as love and forgiveness, you have helped make our world a better place.

Parenting is the power that parents possess to mould their children into decent and loving individuals.

Parents have the ability to inspire their kids and to teach them moral values. Children automatically imitate what they learn at home and what they learn at home, they never forget. You can be sure that they will pass it on to their children as well. In the light of the above, parenting is not just important, it is essential. Good parenting on behalf of the parents will in turn ensure a better society at large.

If we teach and inculcate the right values in our kids today, we have hope for a brighter future; we have hope for a better world, a world in which our children and grand children can live in peace and harmony

Sunday, 17 December 2017

Children Can Learn Morals And Values From Books

There is yet no better medium than books to teach good morals and inculcate the right values in children. Little children love fairy tales and in their dreams they meet the characters they adore. They develop a strong bond with them and see them as role models. Their imagination is stirred when parents read fables and fairy tales at bedtime and they learn to emulate the ideal character portrayed by their favorite heroes' in day-to-day life.

Home and school libraries stock storybooks for children that have stories of adventurers, pirates, explorers and various other interesting topics and subjects. Boys find these stories very fascinating. Girls are more interested in stories that have dolls, ponies, flowers, or are about training as teachers/nurses, cooking food and bringing up a family etc. Each group finds interest in stories that involve characters of the same gender. Stories written for kids usually had either male or female characters specific to each story.

However, stories now combine leading characters of both sexes. A good example of this can be seen in the Harry Potter series that have the stories knitted around the trio of Harry, Ron and Hermione. This recent trend in story writing is leading to a gradual change in the preference of both boys and girls who can now be observed being commonly interested in stories revolving around certain theme centric characters involving both genders.

Stories in the past depicted a safe and pleasant world in which little children could venture out in safety. Modern day stories put even girl characters like Hermione in dangerous situations. However, the charm of stories for little children are still retained making them thoroughly enjoyable and captivating, taking children on a journey into the realm of fairies, gnomes, witches, giants, speaking animals and cities having houses made of sweets, chocolates and cakes.

Illustrated books have their own charm and are loved by children. They help children to create a visual image of their favorite character(s) in their minds. The pictures of different animals and places like gardens and forests etc. keep them happy and occupied and provide them with knowledge about many things and places, which they may not have seen. For their young minds, books are like wells from which they constantly draw the water of knowledge.

Books are good friends to children and provide them with company at any time of the day or night. In comparison to movies, books provide a more powerful medium to teach strong values like comradeship, courage and loyalty to children. As a child gets engrossed in reading, he finds himself transported to the imaginary locale of the story with the characters moving around him. By bonding to the characters, children learn to respond to real life situations when they undergo similar experiences. They learn to express their desires, fears and aspirations. Good books cater to healthy mental and psychological development of children.

Saturday, 16 December 2017

Effects of Modern Gadgets on Children's Values

With the modern trends of technology nowadays, children are prone to harmful effects that gadgetry brings. About 60 to 70% of kids around the world ages 10-17 years old are hooked up to cellular phones. They spend up to 5 or more hours calling, sending texts or just playing. And there will also be a mobile phone, known as Firefly, for children below 5 years old, it's designed for them simply to call up their Mum.

Usage of this gadget can be uncontrollable. Its up to you as a mother or parent to teach your child to be responsible on their mobile phones, to ask them to pay-up when their mobile runs out of money. Or to get some agreement from the mobile companies that automatically cuts-off usage when the child overuses their allowance for the month.

The T-mobile phone company has a feature enabling you as parent to know those numbers that your child is calling. Most of the mobile phones nowadays got an inbuilt camera, so you can tell your children what are good pictures to shoot and bad for circulation.

Notify them that you like to look on the photos as well as videos, tell them you'll only be the one who can remove them.

Purchase the easy to use or simplest mobile phones as possible. If children got a phone model that enables them to surf the internet, monitor their menu programs and sign-in the built in controls for younger mobile user.

Modern technology is making our lifestyle easier but it also has its pros and cons. We need to teach the young ones about the beneficial and harmful effects it might bring. Remember the saying, "Children are the hope of motherland."

Thursday, 14 December 2017

List of Values for Kids

A list of values helps parents focus on specific principles they would like to teach their children. Making a list of values for kids may feel overwhelming. Remember that teaching values is something that a child learns throughout his or her lifetime.

Below you will find suggestions to help you make a list of values. Take a look at the example list of values, along with the ideas on how to teach using your own list.

Making a list of Values for Kids

· Take a moment and think about someone you admire.

· As you think of this person, write down attributes you appreciate.

· Next to this list, write the values that are associated with the qualities you admire.

· Talk to friends, families, teachers, and religious leaders. Ask and note what values they try to live by.

· Think of principles or standards that are important to you. Write down those that you would like to instill in your own children.

First write down every idea that comes to you. Later you can edit the list to your top ten or fifteen values to keep it manageable.

Example List of Values for Kids

The following list of values for kids is an example of principles that you might include on your list. These values are not in any particular order.

· Honesty

· Integrity

· Kindness

· Empathy

· Thankfulness

· Curiosity

· Respect

· Imagination

· Hard work

· Perseverance

· Faith

· Friendship

Notice that imagination and curiosity are part of the list for values. Values are not only principles and standards. They are also what we consider important in our lives and would like to pass on to our children. Keep this in mind as you make your own list of values.

Teaching Values with a List

Values are taught by example in the home. Review the values on your list. As you talk with and listen to your child, moments to teach values will present themselves.

Use these moments to help your child know what you think is right in a particular situation. Assist them as they think of ways to put values into action in their everyday lives.

A lesson with the family, teaching a different value from your list each week or month, is an additional way to help your children understand and learn values.

Music can help teach values on your list. Find a song with words that illustrate one of the values on your list. Listen to it in the car or at home. As the child becomes familiar with it, you can begin teaching the words.

As you learn the words together you may ask questions like the following:

· What does this song talk about?

· What is it trying to help us understand?

· What is a situation where you could apply this value?

Keep in mind that learning and teaching values is a life long endeavor. Don't be discouraged; just be consistent. Live the values you want to teach. Expect and help your children to live them also.

Wednesday, 13 December 2017

Christmas Party Games Young Children

When planning Christmas games for young children, the options are endless. Make sure you provide room to run, do a little planning and the kids are sure to have a good time.

Let's start with a few relay race ideas. Begin with a candy cane relay. Give each team 4 candy canes (and be sure to have a few more in case some break) and have the child who's running hold the candy canes between their fingers, with the crooked part of the cane hanging over their fingers. But tell them not to use their thumbs. The canes should be just carefully perched between their fingers.

The children run to their teammate, exchange the candy canes (again, only using fingers), and that teammate runs to the other end and does the same. The game is over when only one team still has candy canes that haven't dropped on the floor.

Another fun relay that kids love is pass the ornament. In this game, each team gets one ornament (a lightweight, basic thin glass one is fine) and a straw. They must blow through the straw to get the ornament down the line, then the next child blows on their straw to get the ornament back down the line. Make sure each child has a fresh straw, as you don't want everyone to get sick.

This next simple relay game can be played with just about anything that signifies Christmas. You could have the children pass a Santa hat (perhaps requiring them to wear the hat as they run down the line) or have them wear Christmas socks that they then have to take off and get to the next child during the relay.

"Santa Says" is a fun game that all children will know how to play because it's just like "Simon Says". Before playing it, confirm that each child is familiar with "Simon Says" and then create a series of orders from "Santa", like "Santa says, touch your toes", "Santa says bend your knees" and so on. But sometimes leave the "Santa says" part off and trick the children. Always a popular game!

Young children love the "freeze dance" which is often played in preschool and kindergarten. Only in this game, you create a Christmas freeze dance: here you play some Christmas music, let the children do a little dance, then turn the music off and the children must "freeze". If there will be several sit-down games played at the party, this is a great way to let the children use some energy before they have to sit down and focus on the other games.

Young children can play the "clue" game as long as the questions are kept to their knowledge of various things surrounding Christmas. The game is played like this: the teacher gives a series of clues about something Christmas related and keeps giving clues until someone shouts out the answer. It might go something like this:

Answer: Santa's sleigh 
Clue: I'm thinking of something big 
Clue: It helps Santa on Christmas Eve 
Clue: It holds a lot of presents 
Clue: It's very fast

You keep giving clues until he children figure out the answer. Since these are young children, don't give clues that are too difficult or beyond their knowledge.

Kids love toss games, so why not create a snowball toss game at Frosty's belly? Get or make a large cardboard cutout of Frosty the Snowman and cut a hole in his stomach. You can create snowballs out of several things. Take plastic bags and put mini marshmallows inside, or use Styrofoam balls. If you use the latter, don't make the children throw the "snowballs" very far since the Styrofoam won't go that far. Have the children stand a distance back from Frosty (you can determine this depending on the age of the children and space you have available) and have them toss the snowballs into Frosty's tummy. First one to get all 3 snowballs in the tummy wins a prize!

Tuesday, 12 December 2017

Boost Your Child's Brain Power

Brain is an amazing control center

The human brain has about 100 billion brain cells (neurons). Brain is a small yet amazing control center of thought processes, emotions, memory, learning and other bodily functions. In the early part of life, where intensive learning takes place, your child's brain undergoes massive fine-turning processes.However we often neglect the fact that the brain needs to be 'fed' with nutrients in order for it to function well.

Optimum Nutrients

The brain is made up of more than 60% of fats. The brain cell structure needs plenty of protein. Brain chemicals that regulate learning, perception, moods and behaviour are made from amino acids, vitamins and minerals such as B6 and iron. Hence, your child's diet plays a critical role in how well his brain functions.

Nuts, Seeds & Avocados

Fats are raw material for brain. Your child's brain needs good fats, not those from french fries, fried chiken wings, caked, donuts, chocolates, and potato chips. DHA, an omega 3 fatty acid, has the largest effect on brain fat composition. DHA is often found in fish oil. Other beneficial fat sources are nuts. (e.g. almond, macadamia), seeds (e.g.sesame, sunflower seeds) and avocados.

Fish, Beans, Nuts, Seeds and Lean Meat

Protein is building block for brain chemicals. Amino acids, which proteins are made of, are used to produce brain chemicals such as epinephrine, dopamine and serotonin. These brain chemicals affect your child's concentration and moods. Protein can be obtained from fish, lean meat, poultry, beans, nuts and seeds.


Carbohydrates are a source of energy for the brain. Steer clear of highly refined carbohydrates which will often disturb your child's blood sugar and causes drowsiness. Notice how your child's concentration declines after eating white flour products such as white bread, cakes, biscuits, donuts, or other high-sugar foods?

Even white rice, pasta or noodles can affect concentration levels. Good carbohydrates sources are wholegrain such as brown rice, buckwheat, oar, millet, and other such as pumpkin and sweet potatoes.

Fruits & Vegetables

Nutrients like vitamins and minerals transform the building blocks into useful material for the brain. Some of the important brain vitamins are vitamin C, vitamin B6, B12 and folate.

Deficiencies has been link to slower brain functions. Minerals, such as calcium, magnesium, zinc and iron are also important. Deficiencies may lead to reduced concentration and poor memory. These vitamins and minerals are found in fresh vegetables, fruits, beans, nuts, seeds and wholegrain. Hence, your child's diet should include a wide array of fresh and wholesome natural foods.

Practical Tips

Eat in the morning. Breakfast provides your child with energy and nutrients for the morning, when learning in school takes place.

Make sure your child drinks enough water. A dehydrated mind is foggy mind.

Limit sweet foods- this will go a long way for good health.

Discuss and share with your child information about healthy food choices and nutrition. Convince rather than compel him to eat healthy foods.

Set good example by eating healthily.

Copyright (c) 2010 Kids IQ

Monday, 11 December 2017

Follow a Diet to Improve Memory

Instead of following treatments that are based on drugs in order to improve their memory, people should pay more attention to the foods they are consuming, as these can enhance the mental processes, too. Following a diet to improve memory is easier, because the foods do not have side effects and contraindication. Of course, a selection must be made, as not all the foods are proper for improving the brain functions.

First of all, a diet to improve memory should be based on foods that contain high amounts of iron. Iron deficiency anemia represents one of the main causes of poor school performance. Learning, thinking and recalling the information are performed with difficulty when the iron levels are below the normal limits. Also, a low level of iron in the body determines concentration problems.

Women who are between 19 and 50 years old require a greater amount of iron than men of the same age do. As many studies have shown, the iron level is correlated to the IQ. In order to increase the iron level back to normal, people are advised to follow a diet to improve memory that is based on whole grain cereals and breads, beef, dried apricots and raisins. When the diet does not supply the necessary amount of iron, it is better to take some supplements.

The fruits and vegetables must be part of the diet to improve memory, too. These, along with the carbohydrates, contain significant amounts of vitamins and minerals. They stimulate the brain and improve the overall health condition. The blueberries, for example, contain important quantities of antioxidants that improve the immune system by fighting the free radicals. The action of the free radicals is enhanced by the environmental toxins, such as radiation and air pollution.

Other fruits and vegetables that should be part of the diet to improve memory include cantaloupe, watermelon, potatoes, radishes, strawberries, kale and red cabbage. The fruits and the vegetables also act as energy boosters. This way, they can be used in the treatment of depression, which is the major cause of memory loss.

People who follow a diet to improve memory should also consider consuming fish, such as sardines. Omega-3 fats, which represent an important part of the brain cells' membranes, is found in fish. A part of the omega-3 fats, which are also known as alpha linolenic acids, is transformed by the body into DHA.

Sunday, 10 December 2017

Help Your Kids and Teens Eat a Healthy, Nutritious Diet for Improved Self Esteem and Well Being

Sometimes we wonder why kids can be lethargic, unmotivated, learning poorly or not retaining information or just plain unhappy. Diet is a major factor in the behavior and emotions of our children, just as it is with adults. You know how bad certain foods can make you feel when you eat them, and think of the effects they have on growing children. A growing child should be fed healthy, nutritious, quality food, organic whenever possible.

Coloring dyes, additives, preservatives, too much sugar and unhealthy fat have all shown in studies that they can have dramatic effects on behaviors, emotions and the health of children and teens, even causing allergies in some instances that can manifest as behavioral issues and disease. While "nutrition therapy" is considered an alternative treatment in our mainstream society, diet and healthy eating should actually be a primary focus for concerned parents who want to alleviate problems before they even start, in addition to healthy eating for the sake of it helping a child be and feel at his best. Often, healthy, happy kids have an extremely clean eating style (aka no junk).

Childhood obesity has become epidemic in our society due to our unhealthy eating and fast-food lifestyle many subscribe to. In addition to the problems already stated above, overweight children are often victims of bullies, low self esteem and negative self talk, which often leads to comfort eating and overeating to soothe the hurt. This quite often evolves into full blown food addiction. It is truly a vicious cycle that often begins as an innocent coping mechanism when stress relief techniques are not taught or are unknown to parents, teachers and role models.

You may find that your whole family needs to begin eating healthy, not just the kids. If you live a typical fast food lifestyle where restaurants cook the majority of your family's meals, then change is needed for the health and well being of everyone. Change does not have to be drastic but by implementing small changes one at a time, before you know it, everyone in the family will be healthier and happier for it. While eating out may seem like a needed break, the health impact of doing so regularly are severe and tend to cause weight gain in most people due to the added fats and sugars in restaurant foods.

What can you do?

First, cut out the soda pop. Soda is one of the worst culprits for too much sugar, colors and empty calories. Soda contributes to weight gain and keeping weight on. Start replacing soda and other sugar filled beverages with water and seltzer water. The body needs water to flush out toxins and to stay healthy. Of course we have all heard that we need 8-10 glasses of water a day, but how close do your children come to that amount? How close do you come to that? If you are making the transition from soda to water, you may want to try cutting seltzer water with a bit of vanilla extract, a splash of cream and ¼ t. stevia (natural sweetener) to create a homemade vanilla cream soda that is delicious and cures the craving for soda.

Eat meals at home. You can easily master the art of the Crockpot which you can launch in the morning and have a wonderful home cooked meal waiting for everyone at dinnertime. Set the table and eat together as a family. Make sure you add your veggies or a big salad to whatever Crockpot dish you choose to cook. A savvy health conscious parent may have their Crockpot on every single day to ensure that the whole family is getting "slow food" that's healthy and ready for them when they need it.

Eat meals together. Surprisingly only 28% of American families eat dinner together at the dinner table. Sitting down and enjoying a family meal is not only good for family bonding and closeness, it's good for digestion and is almost always more nutritious than restaurant meal choices. Eating on the run is never healthy. Make sure your family gets to sit down and eat as a family as often as possible, preferably every night.

Make sure you introduce new fruits and vegetables to your children as often as possible. Get adventurous and learn to cook or slice new foods and experiment! Kids love novel things, and although they may get into the rut of preferring to eat only what they know and like, as a loving parent, you should repeatedly introduce the same new food to your child often until they get used to it. While it may not be their favorite, and you should never force any type of food.. several presentations and asking them to try "just a few bites" will help them explore new textures and flavors, in addition to giving them more nutrients and vitamins than are available in a child-imposed limited menu.

If you are a role model for healthy eating and encourage your child and teen to make healthy food choices along with you, establishing a baseline of healthy eating in youth, children will always come back to what is natural and healthy, because it feels so good. As they get older and realize the impact of any unhealthy food choices they make, they will remember your wise attitude and instruction concerning food.

Present fruits of veggies as a snack instead of junk foods. Of course kids will go for ice creams or pastries or cookies if that's what they are used too. But instead, stock your home with healthy choices that kids love, such as apples with almond butter, celery with cream cheese, freshly made air popped popcorn, apples, bananas with raisins and yogurt, or plain full fat yogurt sweetened with honey and fresh blueberries. All these suggestions are healthy and kids love them! They are also more economical than a box of grocery store cookies.

Over processed foods are linked to feelings of depression, which is one more reason to transition into wholesome natural foods. Healthy eating naturally makes a child feel great due to the high quality of nutrition available in natural wholesome foods and low sugar and fat content. A healthy child or teen feels good about himself too and this healthy self-esteem and confidence spills over into all areas of life.

No parent is perfect, but we must try to help our children learn the basics of healthy eating for their health and well being. We are responsible for what we buy at the grocery store or local famer's market, not our children. When healthy food is in the house, healthy food will be eaten. Make it fun and ask your children to help with the preparation. When everyone has a hand in the pot, everyone has fun, and healthy eating becomes your family's way. Bon Appetite!

Saturday, 9 December 2017

Foods That Improve Eyesight - Diet to Correct Poor Vision

Kids and youngsters with weak eyesight and spectacles are commonly observed now-a-days. Weak eyesight results mainly due to nutritional deficiencies since childhood that increases in the developing stages of life. This must be given serious consideration otherwise conditions may worsen leading to blindness. Other factors like wrong reading habits, genetic factors may also play a significant role in the weakening of eyesight.

Parents must pay due attention to the regular diet of their children at a very early age to prevent any sort of eye weakness. Deficiency of Vitamin A is the main cause for weak eyesight in the individuals. Pregnant women should take sufficient dietary supplements of Vitamin A and Folic acid to prevent weakness in the brain and the eyes.


Weakness in eyesight can be detected by the following symptoms.

1. Haziness in vision. 
2. Unable to see objects from normal distance. 
3. Long and short sightedness. 
4. Headache during studies. 
5. Burning sensation followed by watering of the eyes. 
6. Persistent common cold.


Deficiency of Vitamin A is the main cause for weak eyesight. Other factors affecting the eyesight are

1. Long hours of watching TV and working on computers. 
2. Reading in excess light or in dim light. 
3. Genetic factors. 
4. Alcoholism affects the eyesight in matured age. 
5. Wrong eating habits. 
6. Digestive problems.

Dietary Suggestions for Weak Eyesight

Weak eyesight can be considerably improved through dietary modifications, which should be followed strictly.

1. Diet enriched in Vitamin A should be taken regularly. This should consist of colored fruits and vegetables like banana, papaya, carrots, spinach, broccoli, sprouts, pumpkins and mangoes. Fish, dairy products, liver, egg yolk also helps in improving the eyesight. Fish contains amino acids, which is essential for healthy eyes.

2. Oily fish are rich in omega 3 fatty acids, which are beneficial for the eyes. Try to include tuna, sardines, mackerel and salmon in your regular diet.

3. Take small amounts of raisin or peanuts daily. This is also beneficial in improving weak eyesight.

4. Drink lettuce juice or use lettuce leaves in your salads for better eyesight.

5. Regular consumption of foods rich in Vitamin C like guava, gooseberry, oranges, lemon, tomatoes help in preventing cataracts and other eye disorders in old age.

6. Inclusion of nuts and seeds, dry fruits are also beneficial for the health of the eyes.

7. Sulfur rich foods like onion, garlic, capers and shallots help in improving the eyesight.

8. Some herbs like parsley, oregano and turmeric have been proved good for the eyes.

9. You can take I-Lite capsule which is a safe ayurvedic supplement to improve eyesight and clear vision.