Instead of following treatments that are based on drugs in order to improve their memory, people should pay more attention to the foods they are consuming, as these can enhance the mental processes, too. Following a diet to improve memory is easier, because the foods do not have side effects and contraindication. Of course, a selection must be made, as not all the foods are proper for improving the brain functions.
First of all, a diet to improve memory should be based on foods that contain high amounts of iron. Iron deficiency anemia represents one of the main causes of poor school performance. Learning, thinking and recalling the information are performed with difficulty when the iron levels are below the normal limits. Also, a low level of iron in the body determines concentration problems.
Women who are between 19 and 50 years old require a greater amount of iron than men of the same age do. As many studies have shown, the iron level is correlated to the IQ. In order to increase the iron level back to normal, people are advised to follow a diet to improve memory that is based on whole grain cereals and breads, beef, dried apricots and raisins. When the diet does not supply the necessary amount of iron, it is better to take some supplements.
The fruits and vegetables must be part of the diet to improve memory, too. These, along with the carbohydrates, contain significant amounts of vitamins and minerals. They stimulate the brain and improve the overall health condition. The blueberries, for example, contain important quantities of antioxidants that improve the immune system by fighting the free radicals. The action of the free radicals is enhanced by the environmental toxins, such as radiation and air pollution.
Other fruits and vegetables that should be part of the diet to improve memory include cantaloupe, watermelon, potatoes, radishes, strawberries, kale and red cabbage. The fruits and the vegetables also act as energy boosters. This way, they can be used in the treatment of depression, which is the major cause of memory loss.
People who follow a diet to improve memory should also consider consuming fish, such as sardines. Omega-3 fats, which represent an important part of the brain cells' membranes, is found in fish. A part of the omega-3 fats, which are also known as alpha linolenic acids, is transformed by the body into DHA.
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