Memory is the ability to store, retain and recall instances, experiences and information. This memory can be affected by many factors like age, fatigue, lack of a proper diet, stress or lack of sleep. In some cases, poor memory can be a symptom of a major disease like brain disease, tumor, brain injury, stroke or Alzheimer's.
Memory can be short term or long term. Short term memory is a recall for a span of few seconds to a minute and has limited capacity. Long term memory can retain larger information for an unlimited period of time. Memory involves communication between the brain's networks of neurons. The stages of memory foundation and maintenance are in the following steps:
Acquisition: When new information enters the brain, one needs to pay attention and focus in order to remember it.
Consolidation: If one focuses on the new information, the hippocampus signals to store the information as long term memory.
Retrieval: The brain has to activate the same pattern of nerve cells which is used to store it when one needs to recall the information.
There are different ways to improve poor memory like stress reduction, physical fitness and diet for poor memory. Our brain is complex and to increase the ability to remember one needs to exercise the brain. Learning new skills keeps the brain engaged and is an effective way to improve the memory. Yoga is also said to reduce stress, improve one's concentration and memory. Getting a good sleep is required for memory consolidation. Insomnia will leave you tired and make you unable to concentrate on anything. Smokers have the risk of constriction of arteries that deliver oxygen to the brain.
Certain food intake improves the memory significantly and one should take this diet for poor memory. Foods that improve memory are as follows:
1. Vitamins B6/Vitamin B12: Both of these vitamins are important for the body and play an important role in the functioning of the brain and the memory. Deficiency of these vitamins can decrease the functioning of the brain and cause poor memory. Foods which are rich in vitamin B6 and vitamin B12 are: walnuts, eggs, shrimp, sunflower seeds, soy beans, citrus fruits, spinach and asparagus.
2. Antioxidants/Vitamin C: The role of anti oxidants is to eliminate the harmful free radicals from our body. Anti oxidants are required by the body for the flow of oxygen to the brains and the overall health benefits. Some of the foods rich in anti oxidants are: water melons, carrots, strawberries, tomatoes, pomegranates, blueberries, sweet potatoes and green tea. These foods improve memory and should be included in the diet regularly.
3. Omega 3: Omega 3 is an essential fatty acid needed for proper functioning of the brain. It cannot be produced by the body, so one needs to consume foods that are rich in omega 3 fatty acid. Nuts, flaxseeds and fishes like salmon and tuna are known to be sources of Omega 3.
4. Whole grains: Whole grains are healthy and beneficial for promoting long term memory. Whole wheat pasta and whole wheat breads are preferred over white breads. Other sources are oatmeal, whole grain products.
Consumption of this diet for poor memory helps your brain to function properly and increases the memory. Be sure to include these foods that improve memory in your diet everyday! Herbal supplements like Brain O Brain capsule is an ultimate food supplement that helps in enhancing memory power and learning capacity.
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