Tuesday, 9 January 2018

Life! By Design - Create Passion and Purpose in Your Life

"Life! By Design: Create Passion And Purpose In Your Life" by Tom Ferry with Laura Morton is one of the newer books on living with passion, purpose, and as Ferry puts it, by design and not default. In it, Ferry teaches his six steps to an extraordinary you. If you have read other books on living life to its fullest and achieving your dreams and goals, you might find much of this book similar. After all, basics are basics, each person just has a different way of teaching them. It's sort of like the martial arts. There are numerous styles, all teaching variations of hitting, kicking, blocking, and so forth. But different people will connect with different styles and instructors better than with others. I'm sure many people will connect with Ferry's six steps and other advice in this book. And for those that have heard a similar message before, it does not hurt to hear again. I'm sure those that follow Ferry's system will achieve more and live more by design than by default. That is, if they apply his system and follow through.

Ferry's book is a motivating read that is divided into two parts. There's an introduction and an introductory chapter, then you get into the main two parts of the text. Five chapters make up part one, Living By Default. The final four chapters make up part two, Living By Design. After an introduction that explains a little of who Ferry is and where he came from, he continues in Chapter One discussing how he created his own future and asks if the reader is ready to do the same.

Phase 1: Living By Default contains chapters on by default versus by design, waking up, the problem with no problems, addictions, and turning to face the changes. These chapters get you thinking about where you are today and what kind of life you are living. If you take the time to really think about your own situations and ask yourself the difficult questions Ferry asks you to ask yourself, you will be rewarded by the discovery. He ends phase 1 by asking if you will choose to live by design or default.

Phase 2: Living By Design contains chapters on the six steps to living by design, the conscious and subconscious mind and the power of self-talk, the benefits of a healthy body and healthy mind, and the five evolutions to master by design living.

The six steps are found in chapter seven and consist of:

1. Wake up from you coma - become aware of the areas in you life that need attention.
2. Make the choice to change your life.
3. Create your life By Design.
4. Do the things that bring you power!
5. Practice visualizing yourself already there, in possession of what you want.
6. Create structure and accountability by telling others around you about your plans.

The six steps are explained well and Ferry provides examples and exercises to help you along the way. Again, I think the system has merit for those that actually implement his ideas.

The next chapter is on positive affirmations. Why? Because they work says Ferry. Chapter nine contains a few basic principles of health. Nothing in depth here, but I agree with Ferry 100% that taking care of your physical well-being is critical to achieve success in other areas too. Where there is much more to living healthy that Ferry provides, his basics are sound and would help anyone not already following a healthy lifestyle. The final short chapter is on mastery with a motivating message to go be extraordinary.

I enjoyed the book. Even though many of the concepts were very familiar to me, and things I do already, I thought Ferry did a good job of motivating and providing exercises for readers to take command of their own lives and as he says, many times, life by design, not default. If you are looking for a book to pep you up and help you live with more passion, check this one out.

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