Tuesday, 31 October 2017

Don't Write Online Articles Based On What You Learned in 5-Minutes on Wikipedia

Okay so, you write online articles, and you write quite a few of them in your niche and area of expertise. This is noble, and you are giving information to the world. I like the sound of that, and applaud such efforts, seriously I do. Why you ask am I so passionate about this? Well, I feel as if that is what the Internet is truly for, and because I believe it is good for the human race.

Now then, you should be taking responsibility for what you are writing about, and that means you also ought to know what you are talking about - that's only fair to the reader right? Sure it is, so let's discuss this. You need to check your facts after you write each article, especially if there is the slightest question in your mind that you may not be 100% accurate on anything you might have stated as fact.

Do I advise a quick trip online to Wikipedia? Sure, that is one good source, but you should also check that too. I've found mistakes there, often in fact, about subject I am far above and beyond expert in. Now then, with this said, I want you to know I am not endorsing Wikipedia or not endorsing it either - I do use it as a fact checker against my knowledge. You should too. But if it disagrees with you, you may be right and it may be wrong - thus, in that case find a third source.

Okay, one last point of contention and that is if you are writing online articles you should obviously be creating such articles in topics you are well-versed in. Too many online article writers are going to Wikipedia to learn information and then re-writing it into different words and post those writings online. How on Earth does that serve anyone? The Internet does not need that, it's already there. And unless you are adding something new, coupling it with real experience, then what's the difference between that and copying something verbatim from the encyclopedia?

Monday, 30 October 2017

What I Learned Today About Internet Marketing

This is a personal article, and as such it is true, it comes from the heart.

So much of what we all read reflects an impersonal view of some subject. It may have value, but lacks the personal touch which connects you with the writer, or content sharer if it happens on video or some other non-text content.

Today, I learned that if you have the inclination and the will, you can produce a piece of content which will teach your audience something valuable, and that you can easily do it.

The key to doing this is teaching someone something you know. You may already be preparing to dismiss my premise, by listening to that still voice in the back of your mind that reminds you that you have nothing you can TEACH.

But you would be wrong, and you would be selling yourself short. We all have knowledge, insights or experiences which contain knowledge we can teach others. These are things that would be truly beneficial to your "students."

The basic fact is that we are all different, we all perceive the world in a different way. And it is our unique perception that contains the value you can share with your "students."

What I learned today is that if you create a daily article, or a daily video, or a daily Facebook post, by this time next year, you will have a collection of 365 pieces of valuable, unique content which has helped your "students."

You can then take all that unique content and compile it into a paid membership site.

New students can now join your membership site, pay you a reasonable fee for subscribing, and you are on your way to expanding the reach of your content.

Since you should continue producing daily content based on what you are learning "today," you should add this new content to your membership site. Thus your membership site will to grow more valuable every day.

They say that to be successful in life, to grow as a person, you have to continue to learn.

Therefore, if you focus at least some of your learning on your favorite topic, Internet marketing in my case, you will naturally accumulate a wealth if information on your topic.

Best of all, you will be teaching others something that is dear and near to your heart. You're teaching will be sincere, and will resonate with your students, who if they are following you, have the same interest for your favorite subject.

You will be building a money-making business by writing and sharing what you love, what excites you in life.

To summarize, this is my plan. This is real for me. How well I succeed will become evident in time. You can check back and find out how far I have gone, and how successful I have been.

Best of all, YOU can do the same. All you need is the determination to teach others what you know, and better yet, to teach others what you are learning. And you can learn internet marketing online.

I confess, I am obsessed with traffic. That's because after years of frustration trying to get traffic to my websites, I've discovered the power of some easy, time-tested methods for FREE, and low-cost traffic generation.

Sunday, 29 October 2017

Golden Time Management Tips

When you improve on your time skills, you ultimately get to have a bit of relief knowing that you are more organized. This is the power of mastering time and in this article, we will look at how you can do just that with these time tips.

1. Learn:

To be able to earn, you need to learn. Earning means getting results. If getting results require learning, then the key to time skills is to get the time management tips that will enable you to build those skills in your day to day life.

This set of time management tips and skills can come from many sources. Books, training seminars, eBooks, courses and more.

Each can help you to better improve on your use of time. With these, you can be sure that you can become more effective in your use of time. The fact is we can all be effective with the use of time.

Becoming more effective in our use of time also means that we are also securing a better future.

2. Learn One Step At A Time:

When learning time management tips, always make sure to grasp what you are learning. It is easy to pick up a book and read through it and either implement nothing or try to implement everything.

Finding what works for you or can work for you and using it every day is the best way to increase your use of what you learn.

3. Time Management Tools:

Once you have learned the essential time management skills, it is time to focus on the tools. This is important. You will find that time can be a complex thing and needs planning.

The skills are important, but it is important to have the right tools once you have the right knowledge about organizing your time. There is a lot to learn and when you do, implementing it correctly will help you most.

Project planning already says this. You can't plan anything big without the right tools. In fact even going on vacation must meet a pen and paper at some point.

Once you have the skills, the tools help to make that knowledge turn into actionable results.

I hope you enjoyed these time management tips. They can really help you in life. In both your professional and personal life, time management tips, even a single one could change your life for the better.

Time is important.

Time is one of the most important commodities you have available in your life. Even having one time tip or skill can change your life for the better. 

Saturday, 28 October 2017

Better Time Management - Using A Little Neuroscience

While distractions may be a welcome source of creativity in some lines of work, most of us need periods of focus to be able to do our jobs to the best of our abilities.

In the social media age, where the potential for distraction has never been greater, this presents quite a challenge for professionals and their organisations. How do you switch off the 'noise' and ensure that you are diverting all your brain power to where it's needed - at the right time?

Neuroscience has some interesting insights that may be able to help answer this question.

Is this your typical work day?

Do you start the working day by checking emails and browsing a few web pages as you settle in for the day? Then, do you leave your email and social media channels open all day while trying to focus on the tasks at hand?

Many of us try to multitask, believing that it is possible to prepare that report for the boss, while chatting to a customer on the phone and messaging back to a friend about dinner plans.

In reality, unless we really can do the task on 'autopilot', like brushing teeth for instance, this is more likely to lead to mistakes, omissions, and possibly messed up dinner plans!

Why? Because the human brain is not able to multi-task. Neuroscience has shown that what we think is multitasking is actually 'switching' rapidly between activities. The brain can only focus on one thing at a time, and so when we juggle tasks, we are really asking our brains to switch frequently between activities. This is not only liable to cause errors; it is also energy-sapping for the brain. So, the more we try to juggle, the less 'fuel' our brains have, and the less likely we are to be successful at ANY of the tasks we are trying to complete.

This is why it's so important to prioritise, manage time, and schedule our activities and breaks through the day.

Managing time and taking proper breaks

When we ask our brains to do more as the tasks pile up, what we may really need is a break, to allow our brains to recharge. That overworked people get stressed and 'burnt out' is no surprise, but few people think about the effects on the brain that help to cause this.
Studies from neuroscience have found that people who take 15-minute breaks every two hours are more productive than those who try to plough on. These breaks should not be reading emails or engaging in more social media; they need to involve 'wandering' of the brain... a short walk, listening to music, or chatting with friends about last night's TV shows.

What we find is that social media or emailing tends to 'feed' the tendency towards short attention spans and constant 'brain shifting' from one task to another. Studies show that, with each interruption presented by a new email or a new chat message (for instance), it can take over 20 minutes to return to the task at hand.

When we return, we may be in a stressed state because the brain has still been switching between tasks rapidly, rather than being allowed to wander.

Social media and the 'always on' communication channels present a great challenge to workplace performance because we always have one eye on the things that are most important to us; increasingly these things are available to us through online activity, so the tendency to self-interrupt is high.

Scheduling times to check emails and social media, and being disciplined about sticking to pre-set periods for these activities, are therefore key to preventing distractions from hijacking our performance at work.

Friday, 27 October 2017

Learning Styles May Be a Myth, But Learning Preferences Do Exist

A lot of research has been done to discover if there is any truth to the idea that there are actually "learning styles." The studies have found that there is no scientific basis for learning styles. Instead, they found that people were able to effectively learn using either visual, auditory and/or kinesthetic sensory modalities.

It may be a fact that there is not a scientific basis for learning styles, but any trainer can tell you in truth that there are certainly learning preferences. If you ask a group of participants how they learn best, you will get a wide range of answers that fall neatly into existing "learning style" categories.

For example, participants identified the following learning preferences in a recent train-the-trainer session: group discussion (interactive learning), role play (kinesthetic), games (haptic), stories (aural), videos (visual), and case studies (print). [Note: There are many different "learning style" descriptions. The items in (parentheses) relate to Perceptual Learning Styles].

Closer to home, I know that I do not learn by listening- to lecture, to audio books, to stories, or even to news on the radio. I hear what is said, but I don't process it or retain it. I need to read something if I want to learn it. I also need to practice it.

My experience with a young fellow attending a fluorescent lighting class underscored the reality that learning receptivity and engagement depend, at least for some people, on very specific teaching methods and learning activities.

During the instructor's discussion of lighting theory (actually, not relevant to the course but offered in an interactive and engaging manner just the same), all of the other participants offered opinions and participated in the discussion. This young man just sat there. He did, however, raise his hand twice over the course of two hours to ask when the class would be working with the lights themselves.

The first time he asked that question, he was voicing my own thought- since I was there to audit the course). It wasn't until he asked the question a second time that it occurred to me that he was a kinesthetic or haptic learner. I found a large rubber band in my purse (don't ask why it was there, I have no idea) and gave it to him.

Literally within seconds, he transformed into an active participant, joking and talking with the group. When the lunch break came, the instructor raced over to him to make sure that he didn't lose the rubber band.

It is possible, of course, that these are just exceptions to the rule that there are no learning styles. But I don't think so.

On the other hand, perhaps these examples support the importance of whole body learning, in which most, if not all, of the senses are engaged.

What do you think?

Deborah Spring Laurel has been a trainer and a consultant in the areas of workplace learning and performance improvement for over thirty years. She is the President of Laurel and Associates, Ltd,, an international human resource development training and consulting firm that specializes in enhancing interpersonal dynamics within organizations.

Thursday, 26 October 2017

Relation Between Time Management and Setting Goals

Can you explain how time management and setting goals are related? It's a simple question. It is obvious to realize the answer. But it is hard to formulate it. I am deeply convinced that as long as a person can not explain well, he does not fully understand the answer. He can have some right thought, but he does not have clear vision of situation. That's why some teachers can't explain well. When you have clear vision you have big advantage. It's easier for you to see the situation from the other side. You can find some surprise decision. You become more competitive.

First of all, there is no time management with out goals. It is happened, for example, when you do nothing. You waste your time; you have no need to watch it. You have no goals. But, if you set a goal, you will think about time. How reach you goal in time. Or if you have many goals, you will think about time needed to reach each goal, and how to minimize it.

The second, time management skills are very special. If you have no goal, it is really hard train this skills. It is not obvious, but it is easy to understand. If you don't have a goal, you don't have motivation to do something. If you don't have motivation it is hard to do anything, include training time management skills.

And the third, it is really hard to reach big goal with out time management, because it is not easy to set time limit for goal. Usually you need to reach goal as far as you can. So you set a small limit of time, but you have strong motivation. And time management comes to help you. You increase you skills, you waste less time, you have more time to achieve goal, so you become more successful.

Wednesday, 25 October 2017

3 Important Personal Development Aspects to Consider for Self Growth

Many people aim to make daily self growth one of their lifelong goals, because they see the need to grow in all aspects of their lives. However, what's sad is that many don't consider the 3 important personal development aspects needed for healthy self growth.

Yes, you heard me right. Self growth is important, but the aspects that you aim to grow in have to be right in order for it to be effective in your life. And I believe this is true for anyone.

So what are the 3 important personal development aspects? They are:

The First Aspect - Improving Your Self-Awareness

Self-awareness simply means being aware of yourself. That includes your strengths, flaws, gifting and more. And that comes first before the other personal development aspects because without knowing yourself fully, you won't be able to know how to proceed with your self growth plans.

The truth is, nobody knows you better than yourself, and if you're not sure about your strength, weaknesses and more, you can take a piece of paper and jot them down,

It's important you don't rush this through, because you want to make sure you got them covered as much as possible without missing them out.

Also, some people I've counselled say they don't have any strengths or gifting. I can tell you that's totally untrue. It's different for everyone, and there must be something you're better at than others.

So take your time to do this to get a clear picture of yourself. But remember, don't rush this through.

The Second Aspect - Knowing and Building Your Own Identity

Everyone is different, and each individual will only thrive if they know what they want. And knowing what you want begins with first knowing your own identity. And that's the second personal development aspect for self growth.

From my experience, I know that if you rely on other people for your identity, you'll be lost and you can't achieve proper personal growth.

Find out what makes you, you. Don't copy the way others talk and behave just because they seemed to be well liked by others. Discover how you talk and behave, and then work on improving your own identity.

I can promise you this. If you can be the best you, you will be well liked by others, despite your identity. People want to experience who you really are, and when that happens, you'll be surrounded by people who will love to hang out with you, and you'll be able to develop your character further.

How's that for self growth?

The Final Aspect - Discovering and Developing Your Talents

This final personal development aspect deals with talents that you have, not talents that others have but you don't.

Why do I say that? Because if you admire others for a talent that they have but you don't, you might be tempted to pursue that talent though you don't have it. That will sabotage your self growth, so be careful.

Everyone has a God-given talent, including you. And for you to have a healthy self growth, develop those God-given talents. You'll realize that you'll be able to develop your talents much faster and much more easily than others because it's God-given.

Sometimes, it takes a while before you discover what your talents are, so don't be afraid to try new things. You might just discover what your talents are if you choose to be open about discovering new things.

So there you have it, the 3 personal development aspects for effective self growth. Keep them in mind and remember to include them in your self growth plan for a healthy development of your life.

Tuesday, 24 October 2017

Manifest Success

Congratulations to those of you who understand the value of setting goals and creating action plans and timetables to inspire and guide you as you work to put your plans in motion. Note to self--- recognize that in addition to working hard, you must also create conditions in your life that promote and nurture success.

The most successful among us eventually develop what some call "enlightened self-interest" that encourages us to acknowledge our priorities and maintain boundaries in our personal and professional spheres. Some in your circle may become indignant when forced to honor your boundaries, but you'll come to know who your friends are and who are not. Consider the process a character development and leadership lesson.

I. Just say no

If you prefer not to make a certain commitment, then respectfully decline. Perhaps you already have many irons in the fire and your schedule is filled. Maybe you'd rather take it easy for a while, to rest and refresh your energy reserves.

If the timing is wrong or if something you're asked to do doesn't feel right, you are not obligated to participate. Those who have vowed to sweet-talk (or arm-twist) you into such an arrangement may become upset, but do not be swayed by those who would resort to manipulation or even bullying. You are in the driver's seat of your life.

II. Define boundaries

Everyone likes to be liked. We feel good when we help others and make them happy. But the price of acceptance will never hinge upon the "right" of others to control your life. If you feel pressured by certain individuals, recognize that feeling as a sign that your boundaries are being violated.

Someone is attempting to "cross a line" and does not know his/her place, or role, even if that individual is a parent or sibling. No one has a "right" to violate boundaries. Politely but firmly push back and do not allow yourself to be bullied. If the violator persists, well, now you know who loves and respects you and who doesn't. Assess how you can limit, or cease, your interactions with such people.

III. Ask for it

What do you want? The sale? The assignment? Your team to work at 110% capacity? If you want it, then ask for it!

You must also be prepared to earn it, to demonstrate that you deserve the reward. If you expect your team to work at 110%, then you must work at least that hard, or more so. If you want the sale or the contract, then show the client why you deserve it and how hard you'll work to earn it and then fulfill or exceed all expectations when it is awarded to you.

IV. Release the negative

Mistakes are made and bad things sometimes happen. As a result, you may feel hurt or resentful. If you feel the need to go there, give yourself permission to wallow in those feelings for a while, because you are human. However, you cannot allow yourself to remain stuck in the quicksand of negative feelings. At some point you must take a deep breath and let it go, as you step forward toward your vision of a successful future. You have goals and an action plan to help you reach them. Let that propel you out of the muck of resentment. Success is the best revenge.

V. Walk, don't run

OK, you're on a roll, you have plans and a timetable, you want to get things done. You may not feel that patience is a virtue and explaining things twice to your team members or other supporters could seem like an aggravation. Before you travel too far down that road, stop; breathe. Look at the big picture.

Remember that an ounce of prevention is worth many pounds of cure. Avoid cutting corners. Do not get slap-dash. Make sure that your execution is accurate and that you are moving in a direction that will bring about the desired outcomes. Invest some time to get the buy-in of key stakeholders. You will be successful if you allow success to happen!

Monday, 23 October 2017

Commitment & Determination - What Makes You an Entrepreneur

What makes you an entrepreneur?; this question is simple but very difficult to answer. For a long time, people have studied the science behind entrepreneurial process, what drives a great entrepreneur, the things that make an ordinary person transforms into a job creator.

To answer this question, it's much better if we try to understand what's behind entrepreneurial process. At the heart of every entrepreneurial process is the founder, the opportunity seeker, the creator and initiator, the leader, problem solver, and motivator; the planner and the guardian of vision and mission. Without this human energy, behavior, drive, and vitality, the greatest ideas-even when they are backed by an overabundance of resources and people-will fail, grossly underperform, or simply never get off the ground. Brilliant athletic aptitude and potential is not equal with the great athlete. The difference is invisible and intangible: commitment, tenacity and determination.

Commitment and determination are seen as more important than any other factor that inspiring an entrepreneur. It makes an entrepreneur can overcome incredible obstacles and also compensate enormously for other weaknesses. Almost without any exception, entrepreneurs live under extreme, constant pressure (when they start their business, for them to stay alive, and for them to grow). A new business requires top priority of entrepreneur's time, emotion, patient, and loyalty. The level of entrepreneur's commitment can be measured in several ways: through a willingness to invest a substantial portion of his or her net worth in the venture, through a willingness to take a cut in pay because he or she will own a major piece of venture, and through the other big sacrifices in lifestyle and family circumstances. Clearly, commitment and determination usually demand personal sacrifice.

What you should keep in mind is that the desire to win never equal to the will to never give up. And this is actually a critical distinction. So many lead entrepreneurs say that they really want to win, but only few have the dogged tenacity and unflinching perseverance to make it happen. Just take an example of a young entrepreneur who made several phone call but none were returned. He made a few more calls but still, no response. Over the next week he made yet another series of calls that once again received no response. At that point, what would you do? Would you keep trying, or decide to move on and not waste any more time? Only you can answer this question, and the answer will gives a clear picture of your persistence's level.

Entrepreneurs who successfully build new business seek to overcome hurdles, solve problems, and complete the job. They are disciplined, tenacious, and persistent. They are able to commit and recommit quickly. They love to win and love to compete at anything. However, if tasks are unsolvable, an entrepreneur will be the first person to give up than the others. There is a fair opinion says that while entrepreneurs are extremely persistent, they are also realistic in recognizing what they can and can't. They know where they can get help to solve a very difficult but necessary task.

Sunday, 22 October 2017

Self Gratitude and Personal Success

Self gratitude is the ability to appreciate self without the benefit of an outside influence and it is something that is very difficult for most people to do though without a doubt it is the most powerful thing any of us can learn to do.

There are so many different tools and systems to success that it could boggle the mind if one was to spend too much time looking around at all the options. There is, however, a single unifying thread that makes any or all tools and systems work - or not - the user. Each tool and system is powered by how the user feels about them selves. Gratitude in any form is a powerful attitude that will net results, however self gratitude is a power tool that can change all things. It is the key to personal success - whatever that means to you.

Many of us picked up where our parents left off with the practice of berating ourselves anytime our performance is less than what we perceive as our very best or beyond our capability. In many cases, we have set ourselves up by expecting the impossible which we can't live up to, and then beating on ourselves for not being able to live up to our expectations. For those of us who do that, we have left little or no room to let ourselves off the hook.

The interesting thing about that little game with ourselves is that like our parents, we would never reward ourselves for substandard performance. Having a successful business that offers freedom and flexibility is a very big reward - that would feel much like it would have felt if our parents actually did buy us that brand new Porche for our 18th birthday. The problem is, few of us actually feel deserving of rewarding ourselves with such a big prize.

There is hope in the power tool called self gratitude or self appreciation; it's just a matter of learning how to use it and applying it as consistently as possible. Here's the rub: Often, people will dive on this idea and try and perform it perfectly - which is nearly impossible at the best of times never mind just starting out - allowing their 'not good enough' thinking to propel them right back into the 'beat them selves up' game.

It's time to tell ourselves, 'enough already!!' It is time to break that self defeating heart breaking cycle that keeps us from grabbing the golden ring, that is - in every respect - our birthright. What that means is that learning to practice self appreciation requires that we begin to appreciate ourselves when we are less then satisfied with our accomplishments as well as when we are satisfied. It's time to get off our own backs!!

But how do you get there?

Most of us are used to making a to-do list so that might be the easiest place to start. How about starting a 'done' list? I have been using done lists for several years now and my experience is that a done list supports me in appreciating myself by giving me a visual way of acknowledging everything I get done. This will be particularly helpful to women who are taking care of a household while at the same time trying to build a business. 

Your done list should include everything on your to-do list, every house hold chore you do, every phone call you make, every errand you run and also everything you do for yourself. In fact, that last piece - what you have done for yourself - may be the most important part of the list. We will come back to that part in a minute but first let's look at house hold chores.

When I said EVERY house hold chore, I meant exactly that. If you pick up some clothes off the floor, let the dog in or grab the mail; all of this needs to be noted because every action requires time out of your day and if you just happen to have an entire day of handling little things that aren't listed, you run the risk of thinking you wasted your day. This done list is an important snap shot of what you accomplish that will help you recognize that you do a great deal and therefore there is much for you to appreciate about yourself.

There are a few reasons to list everything you do for yourself and the most important one is: You are the most important person in your life. If you don't recognize the things you do for yourself as important, you are discounting the value of yourself and definitely not in a position of self appreciation. If you find at the end of most days, there is nothing on your list to take care of self, then it is time to squeeze yourself into your day. That might seem hard at first but it is well worth the effort.

Always start by appreciating what is. If you took a shower, put it on your list and appreciate yourself for doing something for yourself. Did you read something you love? That also goes on your list and don't forget to appreciate yourself for doing something for you! The time involved in doing for self is the most important time in your day. Let's face it, if you aren't taking care of you, you have less energy to take care of others and your business. Take the time you need to recharge and let the gratitude you feel for yourself spread to the other things you do and the people you are doing for.

You will find that as time passes, your done list will get longer and longer. There are a couple of magic things that happens with appreciating what you actually get done. First, you will find that you get better at the things you do which will make them quicker to perform and therefore less time consuming. Second, you will find you have more time in your day to do things. As to why that happens, well that is another several page article so I wont explain, however, it is my promise to you that if you are diligent over time, these things will happen.

Another useful tool is the self appreciation list. It's a simple thing to do and it may change your life faster then most other things. Take 5 minutes at the start and end of your day and write down 10 things you appreciate about yourself. It can be things that you are like 'I am brilliant,' 'I am an awesome parent,' 'I am love,' actions you've taken like, 'I helped an elderly lady with her groceries today,' 'I smiled at the cashier,' 'I assisted my child with their homework,' abilities you have such as 'I am a great cook,' 'I love to make bird houses,' 'I am a wonderful networker,' or anything else that you can think of that shows what a special and wonderful person you are - to yourself.

No one else will see your lists so go wild, get crazy and shine so that you can see your magnificence. I personally applied this method for almost 3 years and the transformation has been glorious, permanent and life changing. I became my own power tool.

Arrogance vs. Appreciation

Many clients who begin this journey are concerned they will seem arrogant or conceited as they move more fully into appreciating themselves. Nothing can be further from the truth. Folks who seem arrogant or conceited are not in a space of appreciating self; they are instead doing and saying things with the intention of getting others to appreciate them to fill the void they feel because they don't appreciate themselves.

Arrogance is an outward journey of someone who believes that what they need and want are outside of them selves. Self appreciation is an inward journey that will assist you to allow your light to shine outward to the world around making you more attractive, more magnetic, and more effective and most importantly - more of who you really are.

Ever know anyone whom everyone liked, who built massive down lines without hardly any effort and everything they touched seem to turn to gold? That someone that your kids can't wait to see, always has a smile for everyone, is helpful at every turn and always seems to make any gathering even better? Ever wish you were more like that person?

There is one common thread for every person who fits that description - they appreciate themselves, whether they know it or not. They are their own power tool!

The good news is, you too can be that, and it is just a habit of appreciating yourself until you are your own power tool!

Good job!!

Saturday, 21 October 2017

Sometimes You Just Gotta Get Off It

Have you ever gotten a whirlwind of negative thoughts about something important to you? Yeah, me too. What's even more disheartening is when you know you're doing it and you can't get your mind in a good place about the topic.

You start trying every trick you know to think positive about the subject. For example, if you're stressed out about getting clients, you may say to yourself, "Don't worry. The money will come. I'm a millionaire. I appreciate money."

Nothing happens. You're still stressed about money.

Next you watch a Byron Katie or Michael Beckwith video about money. That doesn't help either.

In coaching lingo, we call this process "being hooked." It's like having a hook through your mouth and being reeled into more negative thoughts. I experience this feeling as temporary insanity. I pray, "Can someone just take my brain away from me so I can relax for a moment?!"

You're so emotionally charged about the topic, there is only one thing left to do. Get off it! The topic, that is. Stop trying to get to the positive feelings until you feel better in general.

This requires a whole switch in your focus. In these moments, I usually go for something that will capture my attention fully. For instance, a walk would give me more time to think... and that can be dangerous.

What works better for me is to go answer some emails, watch Netflix, listen to an Abraham-Hicks CD, make an entry in my appreciation journal, or go shopping. You have to go for full-on distraction. This will create a softer focus on the topic you were scaring yourself about.

I like to remind myself that everything always works out, and this, too, shall pass. By the way, it is sooooooo okay that you got tripped up... or should I say "tripped out"? Happens to all of us. I consider myself a conscious thinker, and I can go down the emotional sewer as fast as the best of them!

When you soften your focus on a highly charged subject, you can actually open to receive the solution... or inspiration will hit with the perfect action to take. This is better known as the "allowing" mode. You have to create some breathing room for the Universe to do what it does best.

Things will always work out in the end. So just get off it and enjoy!


You can, as long as you include this complete blurb with it: Jeanna Gabellini is a Master Business Coach who makes it effortless and exciting for conscious entrepreneurs to attract all the clients they want without doing more, working more, or marketing more. Grab her FREE audio on dialing in your biz here: http://masterpeacecoaching.com/freecd2

Friday, 20 October 2017

The Importance of Internal Motivation For Achieving Success

Most people want to achieve success in the areas of life that are important to them. Yet many never find the success that they seek, and spend their lives feeling unhappy and unfulfilled. Why is this?

One of the main reasons why some people succeed and so many don't, is that those who well do are internally motivated, whereas the others are motivated primarily by external rewards. While everybody is externally motivated to some extent, if this is your main source of motivation, you're probably setting yourself up for failure.

Internal Motivation

Internal (or intrinsic) motivation, as the name suggests, comes from within. An internally motivated person is inspired by staying true to their own core values, and doing the things which they love the most. When you're doing the things that you enjoy, for reasons which resonate with your authentic self, it's easy to remain motivated, and little willpower is needed to take the actions that are necessary to achieve your goals.

External Motivation

External motivation, on the other hand, comes from an outside the self. It includes things like money, recognition from other people, prizes, trophies and awards etc. While all of these things are nice, the problem with relying on them as your main source of motivation is that for the most part, the sense of fulfilment they provide is temporary. If you're going down a path that's not in alignment with your real goals, just because you want the rewards that you think it'll give you, you may find that these rewards aren't worth very much once you get them. At this point, your motivation to continue will suffer drastically, if the goal isn't something that you're also interested in for its own sake.

The Path To Success

For this reason, it's important to set goals that are fully aligned with your real, inner motivations. If you should happen to receive external rewards for doing well in your chosen field, then that's a bonus, but really it's just the icing on the cake. Remember that life isn't meant to be a struggle, and success doesn't have to be difficult to achieve. In fact, the path to success is much easier when it's a path that you're motivated to travel for its own sake, as you don't have to constantly force yourself to keep going by focusing on the end result, and you'll enjoy the journey as well is the destination. And that's not to be underestimated, since the majority of our lives are spent in the 'journey' phase, and it'd be a shame if you spent most of your time focusing on being somewhere else.

What If Your Motivation Is Blocked?

 As we noted, internal motivation springs from within. Sometimes however, people have picked up negative beliefs that lead to self-sabotaging behaviours which stop them from taking the path they really want to take. This can lead to feelings of 'blockage' and procrastinating over even the things you want to do. Feeling a strong desire to do something, yet not allowing yourself to go there is an unpleasant experience, to say the least. In this case, using a brainwave entrainment recording can be of value, as such a recording makes it much easier to achieve a profound sense of relaxation, and to access the subconscious mind, where such self-limiting beliefs are stored.

By taking some time each day to listen to your recording, and to focus on how you'd like your life to be, it becomes easier to allow these old blocks to dissolve, and to let your natural sense of internal motivation to flow freely once again.

If you decide to use a brainwave entrainment technologies such as isochronic tones to boost your internal motivation, I suggest checking out the excellent 'Motivation' track that's available from The Unexplainable Store. This is a great quality site, and all products are fully guaranteed. There are also some great free downloads available, so be sure to check those out while you're over there. 

Thursday, 19 October 2017

The Importance Of Continued Personal Development

We are all unique individuals having different personality types. Some are more enthusiastic when it comes to learning new things compared to others. However, we are all capable of motivating ourselves to face challenges as well as gaining new experiences for our continued personal development.

In terms of career opportunities, outstanding managers endeavour to improve themselves so as to be ready to face this fast changing world. They are aware of the significance of continued personal development.

Continued personal development helps in improving the knowledge that you have. This is mainly because continued personal development is an experience wherein you can achieve self-awareness as well as self-improvement.

If you want to engage in self development, you should be open to changes and challenges from people around you. You might as well ask yourself these questions, What is my comfort zone? Am I ready to let go of it for the sake of self-improvement? Am I willing to accept and learn new things as well as listen to fresh ideas from other people?

Then, ask the help of those around you, your employees or team members, to motivate and encourage you by asking challenging things and question your decisions in order to compel you into considering other perspectives. Do not forget to thank them for helping you out in your quest for self improvement.

To learn more is to gain more knowledge and skills. The skills and knowledge you have gained may be a big help to be successful in your line of work. Keep in mind that past experiences and knowledge are slowly becoming obsolete. For this reason, self development is needed for you to succeed and come out on top of your field.

The most valuable assets that you have are the knowledge you have acquired from your experiences as well as the action that results from it. By cultivating these assets, you can be on top. Improving your knowledge with the help of self improvement techniques can give you the success you desire to have in your life.

You earn more by learning more. Engaging in continued personal development could make you live your life with confidence. When you commit and dedicate yourself to continued personal development, you are continuously developing your knowledge, skills and abilities which could pave the way for your success. You should not be afraid of change, for change is the only constant thing in this world and only continued personal development can make you face these changes.

Wednesday, 18 October 2017

Learning Styles to Be Known

The various approaches of learning are known as various learning styles. Some of the learning styles are as mentioned below:

1.) Visual Style (Learning through Seeing)

This learning style makes use of body language, facial expressions to understand the content. The people who adopt this style of learning are referred to as visual learners. They will try to grab the lesson through pictures and will learn through visual displays. Visual learners always prefer to take detailed notes to get the required information. Visual learners can easily visualize objects, plans and the outcomes in their mind's eye.

2.) Audio Style (Learning through Listening)

Another type of learning style is audio learning style. The best part is learning through verbal lectures, discussions, and listening to what others have to say. For audio learners written information may have little meaning until it is heard. These learners often read text aloud and store the data and listen to it to get a better hold of the lesson.

3.) Tactile Style (Learning by Moving, and Touching)

Tactile learning is the other approach of learning. The tactile learners learn best through a hands-on approach, and they actively explore the physical world around them. These learners can't sit at one place, because they find it difficult to focus. They can even get distracted by their need for activity and exploration. These learners like to think out issues, ideas and problems while you exercise.

4.) Logical Style (Learning Logically)

This type of learning makes use of the brain for the logical and mathematical reasoning. The logical learners are more interested in using their brain for logical and mathematical reasoning. They can figure out the patterns easily, and even can classify and group the information as per the requirement. They can perform complex calculations.

5.) Social Style (Learning in Groups)

This learning style is different from the rest of all learning styles. The social learners do possess a strong social style. They can communicate well with the people and people even listen to them for a better advice. These learners particularly opt for group study and then they learn new things. They heighten their learning by bouncing their thoughts off other people and listening to how they respond.

Tuesday, 17 October 2017

Mind Map Software and the 3 Main Learning Styles

Let me start by asking you a question - do you know what your learning style is? Did you know you had a learning style? Everyone has their own unique way of absorbing and learning information and over the last 40 years or so a variety of different models of learning style have cropped up. In this article I shall introduce you to the basic learning styles and show you how the proper use of the right Mind Map software can allow you to tap into all of them.

First of all let me give you a quick lesson in learning styles. We make sense of the world using our five senses - what we see, hear, feel, taste and smell. We also use those senses to learn about ourselves, our environment and about new information so when we started going to school it is our senses that we used to gather and absorb what we were learning. The three senses that started to dominate our learning as we went through our education were the things we saw, the things we heard and the things we physically did. Our reliance on our taste buds and sense of smell dropped off rather rapidly as there isn't much to be picked up from a text book on the Napoleonic wars by liking it or sniffing its dusty pages! That is not to say that we don't learn using these senses (how would chefs and the manufacturers of deodorant survive!) but just that text book type learning doesn't tap into them.

So we are left with three main ways to process information and in Learning Style Speak these have become known as our Visual (what we see). Auditory (what we hear) and Kinesthetic (what we do) learning styles. Research has shown that whilst we may have the ability to tap into all three learning styles, we generally have a preference. I for example am someone with a strong visual preference because I like to see what it is I am learning. I struggle to understand, absorb and retain something that I can only listen to. I can learn physical stuff e.g. martial arts moves but it takes me a long time to get it into my body and I prefer to see the moves in order to try and copy them.

What this research has also uncovered is that though we may have a preference for one of those styles, we will still learn far more effectively if we incorporate all three into our learning and thinking - and this is where using Mind Map software can help tap into our visual, auditory and kinesthetic learning styles.

So let's start with the easy one first. A Mind Map is a graphical representation of our thought process because it has images, it is visually stimulating and you can see the relationship between the main themes and detail branches. As someone who has a strong visual preference, Mind Maps are perfect for me. Mind Mapping software also comes into its own in this style because it is so easy to create a map and add images in a good package.

So what about using Mind Map software to tap into the auditory learning style? Well one thing you could do as you create your map is to quietly talk to yourself describing what you are doing as you do it. However whilst this would help, another more powerful feature of Mind Mapping software is the ability to attach audio files to branches. So you could create your branch and then record your thoughts about that branch to listen to at a later date. At this point I am going to jump ahead a little and recommend you use iMindMap for this. Other software allows you to link to audio files but you will have to create them in a separate program, link to it and then when you want to listen the link will have to open up your default mp3 player. However iMindMap has this really cool audio notes feature that allows you to record the note inside the software (you only need a microphone) and link directly to the branch.

And finally we come to the kinesthetic learning style. When you create a hand drawn map the physical activity of drawing the branch at a particular point around the map helps tap into this learning style. Its orientation, its length and even the physical act of using a different colored pen all add to the physical experience. Early attempts to create Mind Map software were limited in their physical interaction with the map because it was simply a case of either using your insert key on your keyboard to generate a new branch or a primitive point and click action with the mouse.

Many current software programs still have that limitation but one of the reasons that iMindMap is surging ahead is that it has been able to replicate the physical action of the hand drawn process on a computer. This is a huge benefit to those people who have a strong kinesthetic bias in the way they process and internalize information.

Monday, 16 October 2017

A Neuroscience View of Learning Styles

The term "learning styles" is often associated with academic and educational applications. The traditional definition of "learning styles," however, is a small and incomplete slice of the overall contextual understanding required for successful learning and teaching outcomes. It's no wonder why there is sometimes controversy and confusion about "learning styles."

My organization has been working in the field of practical neuroscience since 1992, building brain-based human development products for academic success, personal development and business applications. The purpose of this article is to expand the definition of "learning styles," so learners and teachers alike can embrace and utilize this essential knowledge. The core principles apply to the totality of life, not just the classroom.

What are "Learning Styles?"

Each person has unique brain pathways preferences to take in and think about sensory information.
  1. Sensory Pathways: Visual (seeing), Auditory (listening) and Kinesthetic (hands-on)
  2. Cognitive PathWays: Sequential (logical), Global (big picture) and Integrated (cognitively balanced)
A person's "learning style" is frequently described as their strongest or primary sensory pathway to learn (e.g. being "kinesthetic"). This is a very limited and incomplete way of viewing "learning styles." The sequence of sensory preferences is important because it takes two or more sensory pathways to lock in received information. As examples, some people need to "see it and hear it," others may want to "do it and see it," and some may prefer to "hear it and do it."

The various sensory sequences are: KVA, KAV, VKA, VAK, AKV and AVK. (K = Kinesthetic,V = Visual, A = Auditory) The lowest sensory score is what you pay least attention to and is called a "blind spot." Most students are KVA and VKA. Think about the learning challenges of these students, who least prefer listening to the meaning of words, when trying to learn in a lecture setting, with a minimum of visual material and things to do.

The other half of the "learning styles" equation is how you prefer to process or think about sensory information. Some people favor learning and working in predictable, logical, orderly, and process-driven environments. Others require open-ended situations, moving from task to task, and using their imagination to learn and work optimally. The cognitive differences between Sequential and Global thinkers are often overlooked in both the classroom and workplace. It's frequently the defining factor in achieving successful academic and career outcomes.

An expanded neuroscience definition of "learning styles" is a person's sensory sequence to take in information and their cognitive preferences to process it. The combination of sensory and cognitive pathways is our representational system for life. It gives us the ability to learn, express, perform, think, solve problems and make decisions.

Who Should Know About "Learning Styles?"

The first and most important person to possess "learning style" knowledge is the "learner." That's why putting this information and data in the hands of teachers, alone, provides limited and sometimes disappointing outcomes.

Learning goes well beyond the classroom, self-study or online courses. Our brains are continually receiving sensory information, making choices, reaching conclusions, solving problems, and expressing. These processes constitute the flow and fabric of our lives. Therefore, everyone can benefit from knowing how their brains are wired and what makes them tick.

Reasons to share your "learning styles" information with others (e.g. teachers, spouse, co-workers and friends) include improving communications so they can transmit on your "wavelength." It's also helpful, in the workplace, to align work activities with brain strengths. Alignment improves morale, engagement and productivity.

What is the Role of Teachers?

I believe successful teachers are continuous learners, who are passionate about their careers. They learn from their students and exchange "best practices" with other teachers. Teachers know that students learn for their own reasons, not those of the teacher. Great teachers encourage their students to discover how their brains prefer to learn and think. They coach them to take responsibility for their own learning and leverage their brain strengths. Successful teachers establish safe and non-judgmental environments. They provide learning resources and encourage their students to teach one another; the highest form of learning is teaching.


The neuroscience meaning of "learning styles" is the foundation for accelerated learning, successful careers, better relationships and personal growth. Knowing how your brain prefers to learn and think is the key to a better and less stressful life. Everyone interested in improving their quality-of-life will benefit from this important knowledge.

Stephen Hager is a lifelong learner, scientist, author, speaker and teacher. Along with Deanna Phelps, he is the co-creator of brain-based human development products. Their goal is to help people live better and more peaceful lives through the "power within." Since 1992, Deanna and Stephen have been developing practical neuroscience solutions for better communications, clearer thinking, faster learning, higher productivity, stress management and creative problem solving. 

Sunday, 15 October 2017

How to Benefit From Knowing Your Learning Style

Before I tell you how to benefit from knowing your learning style, let me first explain the different styles of learning so that you can decide which category best suits you. Learning styles is the variation of your ability to gather and understand information. Basically, your learning style is the method that best allows you to gather and use knowledge in a specific manner. Each individual has at least one of these styles. Learning styles can be detected at a very early age. Once you know your style you can adopt that style to the way you study to maximize on your education.

Categories of Learning Styles

Visual Learners. 

These are the people who learn through what they are able to see. They often describe things based on it's appearance. These learners
  • Often need written instructions
  • Copy the information from the blackboard in class
  • Watch videos to learn
  • Enjoy illustrations and visual aids

Auditory Learners. 

These are the people who learn better through sound. Recording and replaying a lecture is a great way for them to study and retain information. These learners:
  • Find it difficult to retain information if it is not heard
  • Benefit from audio books and lessons
  • Are very good at remembering names.
  • Tend to repeat information like phone numbers

Tactile Learners. 

These are the people who need to learn through moving and physical engagement. They enjoy hands-on projects. these learners:

  • Enjoy an adventure
  • Can master a skill through practice
  • Tends to collect things
  • Very good at sports

Benefits of Knowing Your Learning Style

Each of us is completely different. There are no two individuals that are alike. Hence we learn differently. Here are some of the advantages of knowing how best you are able to process information.

Academic Advantages:

  • Increasing your learning potential
  • Doing well in school on all educational levels
  • Understanding how you can better prepare for exams and tests
  • Overcoming academic limits in class
  • lessen frustration
  • Develop more learning strategies

Personal Advantages:

  • Improve esteem and confidence
  • Helps to learn one's weakness
  • Enjoy learning
  • Developing motivation to learn
  • Develop abilities and skills

Professional Advantages:

  • Stay current with changes in the professional arena
  • Maintain a competitive edge
  • Better manage team efforts
  • Improve presentation and delivery
  • Improve you selling skills
  • Increase your potential financial earnings

Above all, remember that there is no right or wrong way to learn. Everyone is unique. And even though each learning style offers advantages as well as disadvantages, learning your unique learning style can help you to increase your learning potential and work more efficiently.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/7870649