This is a personal article, and as such it is true, it comes from the heart.
So much of what we all read reflects an impersonal view of some subject. It may have value, but lacks the personal touch which connects you with the writer, or content sharer if it happens on video or some other non-text content.
Today, I learned that if you have the inclination and the will, you can produce a piece of content which will teach your audience something valuable, and that you can easily do it.
The key to doing this is teaching someone something you know. You may already be preparing to dismiss my premise, by listening to that still voice in the back of your mind that reminds you that you have nothing you can TEACH.
But you would be wrong, and you would be selling yourself short. We all have knowledge, insights or experiences which contain knowledge we can teach others. These are things that would be truly beneficial to your "students."
The basic fact is that we are all different, we all perceive the world in a different way. And it is our unique perception that contains the value you can share with your "students."
What I learned today is that if you create a daily article, or a daily video, or a daily Facebook post, by this time next year, you will have a collection of 365 pieces of valuable, unique content which has helped your "students."
You can then take all that unique content and compile it into a paid membership site.
New students can now join your membership site, pay you a reasonable fee for subscribing, and you are on your way to expanding the reach of your content.
Since you should continue producing daily content based on what you are learning "today," you should add this new content to your membership site. Thus your membership site will to grow more valuable every day.
They say that to be successful in life, to grow as a person, you have to continue to learn.
Therefore, if you focus at least some of your learning on your favorite topic, Internet marketing in my case, you will naturally accumulate a wealth if information on your topic.
Best of all, you will be teaching others something that is dear and near to your heart. You're teaching will be sincere, and will resonate with your students, who if they are following you, have the same interest for your favorite subject.
You will be building a money-making business by writing and sharing what you love, what excites you in life.
To summarize, this is my plan. This is real for me. How well I succeed will become evident in time. You can check back and find out how far I have gone, and how successful I have been.
Best of all, YOU can do the same. All you need is the determination to teach others what you know, and better yet, to teach others what you are learning. And you can learn internet marketing online.
I confess, I am obsessed with traffic. That's because after years of frustration trying to get traffic to my websites, I've discovered the power of some easy, time-tested methods for FREE, and low-cost traffic generation.
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