Okay so, you write online articles, and you write quite a few of them in your niche and area of expertise. This is noble, and you are giving information to the world. I like the sound of that, and applaud such efforts, seriously I do. Why you ask am I so passionate about this? Well, I feel as if that is what the Internet is truly for, and because I believe it is good for the human race.
Now then, you should be taking responsibility for what you are writing about, and that means you also ought to know what you are talking about - that's only fair to the reader right? Sure it is, so let's discuss this. You need to check your facts after you write each article, especially if there is the slightest question in your mind that you may not be 100% accurate on anything you might have stated as fact.
Do I advise a quick trip online to Wikipedia? Sure, that is one good source, but you should also check that too. I've found mistakes there, often in fact, about subject I am far above and beyond expert in. Now then, with this said, I want you to know I am not endorsing Wikipedia or not endorsing it either - I do use it as a fact checker against my knowledge. You should too. But if it disagrees with you, you may be right and it may be wrong - thus, in that case find a third source.
Okay, one last point of contention and that is if you are writing online articles you should obviously be creating such articles in topics you are well-versed in. Too many online article writers are going to Wikipedia to learn information and then re-writing it into different words and post those writings online. How on Earth does that serve anyone? The Internet does not need that, it's already there. And unless you are adding something new, coupling it with real experience, then what's the difference between that and copying something verbatim from the encyclopedia?
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/5414397
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